Applied quantitative analysis a practical introduction SOSM-405 (5 cr) Session 2 Tue 8-10, Period III, Jan-Feb 2018 Faculty of Social Sciences / University of Helsinki Teemu Kemppainen
Contents Course objectives Readings for R, Stata and SAS It’s possible to use these…I can help during the office hours (Tue 10-11:30) Unit non-response and item non-response Different variable types Mean and variation Relationship, association, covariation, correlation… Hands-on!
Course objectives To gain an overview of QUAN research process and key concepts To get familiar with the basic techniques and logic of cross-sectional data analysis To gain (even) more confidence to attend more advanced courses and to engage in QUAN or mixed methods research in thesis
Readings for R, Stata and SAS
Types of non-response Random sample Population Unit non-response Data Different sampling techniques Item non-response Statistical inference, study objectives
Different variable types: it’s good to know what you can do with the ”numbers”
Different variable types: it’s good to know what you can do with the ”numbers” Categories: country, gender, favourite painter etc. numbers are not at all numbers counting & percentages ok Ordinal: how much agree—disagree, preference order for Picasso, Manet, Renoir and Monet etc. numbers are a bit like numbers…”an approximation of interval scale” in some cases means, correlation etc…? Interval: temperature, height, weight, income, years of education etc. numbers really are numbers mean, correlation etc. ”continuous” variables
Mean and variation
Relationship, association, covariation, correlation…patterns, tendencies variable, variance, differences Co-variation, covariance, correlation, association, relationship… Next two slides: examples of unadjusted bivariate associations (ESS8)
ESS8: Climate change caused by natural processes, human activity, or both…by education
ESS8: Climate change caused by natural processes, human activity, or both…by left-right scale
Correlation: a visual intuition
Hands on!