Hong-Jian He Tsinghua University TeV Physics with Polarized Linear Collider Hong-Jian He Tsinghua University POSIPOL 2011 Workshop, Beijing, Aug 28-30, 2011
→ can be Precisely Probed at LC ! LHC 2010-- LHC will Open the Door for New Physics → can be Precisely Probed at LC !
LHC results will guide the way Now: LHC ... Next: LC…... LHC results will guide the way at energy frontier !
Exciting Journey of LHC …… 2009: First beam circulating in LHC on Nov-20. Nov-23: First collison at √s = 900GeV. Dec-8,14,16: First collisions at √s = 2.36TeV - World Record ! Dec-16-Feb.26: Technical stop. 2010: Machine operation started again on Feb.26. March.19: First single beams ramped up to 3.5TeV. March.30: First collision at 3.5+3.5 = 7TeV, and data taking… End of July: First results presented at HEP conference. 2011: March-24: after 1 month running, accumulated 50/pb, equal to 50% of total luminosity in whole 2010 ! End of June: ATLAS/CMS reached 2.6-2.4/fb luminosity !! Goal: Reach 5-8/fb by the end of 2012 !!!
LHC: 2011 Integrated Luminosity Initial Goal-2011
Re-discover SM ! But sadly not SUSY….. ATLAS: arXiv:1102.5290
is largely fine-tuned: Bound on Gluino Mass M3 > 780GeV “Fine-Tuning Price of Early LHC”: A. Strumia, JHEP 04 (2011) 073 SUSY CMSSM parameter space is largely fine-tuned: Bound on Gluino Mass M3 > 780GeV requires 2% fine-tuned cancellation!
Key Questions of Particle Physics Gravity Assisted Unification He et al, PRD2011 Origin of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, or Origin of Mass/Matter Unification of forces Fundamental Symmetry of Forces and Matter Why not Antimatter Unification of quantum physics and General Relativity Number of Spacetime Dimensions What is Dark Matter What is Dark Energy For Most Questions, New Particles will appear at TeV Scale or Below To be Probed by LHC + LC !!!
All SM Particles: Area of circle ∝ Particle-Mass Only Top, W/Z and Higgs stand out ! Mass Puzzle
It is often said that LHC is just to find a light fundamental Higgs Boson. BUT, this is a quite misleading statement - 1. Higgs Boson may be heavy. 2. Higgs may be more than one and charged. 3. Higgs Boson may be composite. 4. Higgs Boson may Not exist at all. 5. Smoking-Gun Signals other than Higgs.
★ Possibility of Heavy Higgs or No Higgs is fully open ! Gian Giudice (CERN), talk on 3-28-2010; M. Chanowitz, PRD66(2002)073002 The two best measurements of sin2W do not agree : NO compelling evidence for Light Higgs Boson even in SM ! ★ Possibility of Heavy Higgs or No Higgs is fully open ! 12 12
Heavy Higgs vs Precision Data: No Problem Heavy Higgs vs Precision Data: No Problem ! Top is special —Large t Mass may trigger EWSB ! HJH et al, Top-Seesaw Composite Higgs: MH ≈ 400-500GeV Top Seesaw Model
TeV Scale (far) beyond 2010 Great opportunities ahead at TeV Scale Rolf Heuer LP-2011 new physics around 2011/12 ? (HL)-LHC HE-LHC ? TDR/CDR 2011/12 CDR in 2011 Great opportunities ahead at TeV Scale 1st Opportunity for Decision on the way forward around 2012 (?)
A Roadmap for TeV Lepton Colliders Normal/Super conducting T. Raubenheimer, EPS 2011
Production e-e+ →WWZ: Unpolarized vs Polarized Beams (Han, He, Yuan) Polarized LC (ee) 500GeV
Unpolarized, Polarized, and Increasing c.m. Energy Production e-e+ →WWZ: Unpolarized, Polarized, and Increasing c.m. Energy (Han, He, Yuan)
Cross Section at γγ collider is 1-2 orders larger than that of ee collider!
Right-handedly polarized γγ collider → H+ in TopC model ! Polarized γγ collider can determine chirality of H+ Yukawa coupling → discriminate New Physics Models: Right-handedly polarized γγ collider → H+ in TopC model ! He, Kanemura, Yuan, PRL2002, PRD2003
Left-handedly polarized γγ collider → H+ in SUSY model ! He, Kanemura, Yuan, PRL2002, PRD2003
Laser beam is left-handedly polarized. e beam is right-handedly polarized. He, Kanemura, Yuan, PRL2002, PRD2003
For τνH+ Production at ee and γγ colliders:
For τνH+ Production at Polarized γγ collider: He, Kanemura, Yuan, PRL2002, PRD2003
Road beyond Standard Model Next decades Road beyond Standard Model LHC results crucial for decisions at Energy Frontier ! At the energy frontier through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (LHC, HE-LHC?) lepton - hadron colliders (LHeC ??) lepton - lepton colliders (LC (ILC or CLIC)?) (μ-collider ???)
Conclusions: LHC results will guide the Way at Energy Frontiers ! and LCs…… LCs: Beam Polarization is Important for probing New Physics !!!
Thank You ! Let’s get prepared for — New Surprises from LHC, and then LC…! Thank You !