Biology Mr. Moore Room 308 Biology: “The Study of Life” Bio: Life -logy: Study of Biology: “The Study of Life” Check schedule for correct place!
Agenda Seating Chart Introduction Syllabus Student Survey/ Popsicle Sticks/ Folders Classroom Rules “Living vs. Non-Living” Lab!!
Seating Arrangements! (go to back of room and listen for your name!) Place name on 3x5 card. Always sit in assigned seat at start of class (this is how I take attendance!)
Introduction Mr. Moore 8th year teaching in North Carolina Originally from Rochester NY Love Biology!!! (Consistent/ Fair/ loyal to your success!) Getting Married 5/2! What do you want to know?
Biology The “Study of Life” Will answer questions like: What does “alive” mean? Why do I get hungry? How do plants grow? Why is my hair brown, but my eyes are blue? What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Syllabus Summarize 4 goals Homework Materials needed for class …………..(Computer!!) Attendance Expectations Cheating/ Plagiarism Homework Make-up Work Extra Help Grading Policy Tentative Schedule of the semester
Be prepared to share something about yourself!! Student Survey Please write clearly and tell the truth!!!!(Must use word Best 5 times!) (The more information you give, the better I can help) Write your name on the: popsicle stick (First, Last) Manila Folder (Last, First) Be prepared to share something about yourself!!
the rest will come with time…. Classroom Rules We Will hit the highlights… the rest will come with time…. Be on time Always try your best, always look to improve No food/ drink (includes Gum!) Never put your head down
Every Day!! (Pick up whatever is on the stool and start working!!)
Missed Work/ Turn in Work
Pizza Party!! ()
Tuesday & Thursday 3-4 BONUS POINTS!!
What does it mean to be “Living”? “Only Real Men Have Abs” Organization: Cells & DNA Reproduction: Make more Metabolism: Chemical Reactions Homeostasis: Internal Balance Adapt & Evolve: Species change over time
“Living vs. Non-Living lab” Biotic= living (BIOLOGY!) Abiotic= Non-living Use 5 traits discussed and see if you can determine if they are alive… Do not have to go in order!! Regular: 4 observations each (7 Hon.)