802.15 EC actions/agenda items for Friday, July 20, 2007 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
SG Renewals-Consent Agenda Items July 2007 SG Renewals-Consent Agenda Items Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Executive Committee Actions- SG renewals July 2007 Executive Committee Actions- SG renewals Action taken by Working Group Motion: That the 802.15 WG approve extending the 805.15 Study Group 4c (SG4c) through the November Plenary Mtg Working Group Vote 27/0/0 Motion: That the 802.15 WG approve extending the 805.15 Study Group BAN (SGBAN) through the November Plenary Mtg Working Group Vote 29/0/0 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
New Study Group 15.4 MAC Enhancement July 2007 New Study Group 15.4 MAC Enhancement Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
15.4 MAC Enhancement Study Group July 2007 15.4 MAC Enhancement Study Group Motion that passed in the WG closing plenary (27/0/4): That the IEEE 802.15 WG seek approval from the IEEE 802 EC to start a study group investigating 802.15.4-2006 MAC enhancements such as Support for Determinism Mixed service and power savings levels in one network (dynamic transmit power control) Frequency diversity for retransmissions for improved reliability Low duty cycle operation with beacons for power efficiency Distributed management of time slots and frequency hopping patterns for fast recovery from regional failures 2ms per hop latency including 1 retransmission Direct communication between Reduced Functionality Devices in the network that would allow the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard to better address the needs of wireless critical applications such as industrial control and alarm systems, waste water plant control and alarm systems, robotics, and last meter telecom services. Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
15.4 MAC Enhancement Study Group July 2007 15.4 MAC Enhancement Study Group Move to approve the formation a Study Group in 802.15 to draft a PAR and 5C for MAC enhancements to 802.15.4 Moved: Steve Shellhammer Second: Vivek Gupta Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
802.15.4c Agenda Item-PAR approval July 2007 802.15.4c Agenda Item-PAR approval Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR July 2007 Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR Four comments were received All the changes were editorial and did not change the technical content of the document. Two were essentially the same and were combined with the two commenters' approval. All the suggested changes were accepted and reaffirmed by the Working Group (59/0/2). Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR July 2007 Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR Action taken in the Working Group-- Motion: that the 802.15 WG seek executive committee approval per 802 P&P to forward the PAR for P802.15.4c (15-07-0606-03) to NesCom Moved by Clint Powell and seconded by Phil Beecher. Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 59/0/2, motion carries. . Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR July 2007 Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR Move to forward 15-07-0606-03-004c-sg4c-draft-par , in the proper form, to NesCom Moved: Steve Shellhammer Second: Vivek Gupta Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
July 2007 Back-up Slides Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR July 2007 Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR Changes to the Scope- Current 5.2 Scope of Proposed Standard: This Project will define an amendment to the 802.15.4 standard.This amendment shall define alternate PHY and MAC modifications as needed to support the PHY that complies with the applicable Chinese regulations, Radio Management of P. R. of China doc. # 6326360786867187500 or current document, for one or more of the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz frequency bands. Proposed Changes Based on Comments/Feedback 5.2 Scope of Proposed Standard: This amendment defines alternate PHY and modifications to the MAC needed to support the PHY that complies with the applicable Chinese regulations, Radio Management of P. R. of China doc. # 6326360786867187500 or current document, for one or more of the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz frequency bands. Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR July 2007 Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR Changes to the Purpose- Current 5.4 Purpose of Proposed Standard: It was always the intention for 802.15.4 to include support for sub 1 GHz band in China. The Chinese WPAN is specifying use of the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz band for LR-WPAN systems and hence sub 1 GHz band can be used for IEEE802.15.4 in China for the first time. Interference in 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz band is lower than that in 2.4 GHz. Transmission distance in the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz band is also longer than that in 2.4 GHz. This makes it appropriate for many applications for which 2.4 GHz is not, due to improved range and reliability. The amendment to 802.15.4 will address operation in one or more of the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz band defined in the Chinese regulations. Proposed Changes Based on Comments/Feedback 5.4 Purpose of Proposed Standard: This amendment describes support for sub 1 GHz band in China. The Chinese WPAN specifies use of the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz band for LR-WPAN systems and hence these sub 1 GHz bands can now be used for IEEE 802.15.4 in China as well. Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance
Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR July 2007 Executive Committee Actions-802.15.4c PAR Changes to the Need-- Current 5.5 Need for the Project: 802.15.4 has always embraced operation in 2 bands: 2.4 GHz for global use and sub 1 GHz bands as regionally available. Currently 802.15.4 supports 906-928 MHz band in the US and the 868 MHz band in Europe. This amendment will allow for similar operation in the sub 1 GHz band in China for applications benefiting from better propagation characteristics such as automatic metering, industrial control and monitoring. China is a large and important market which makes undertaking a project like this worthwhile. Proposed Changes Based on Comments/Feedback 5.5 Need for the Project: 802.15.4 has always embraced operation in 2 bands: 2.4 GHz for global use and sub 1 GHz bands as regionally available. Currently 802.15.4 supports 906-928 MHz band in the US and the 868 MHz band in Europe. This amendment will allow for similar operation in the newly defined sub 1 GHz band in China for applications benefiting from better propagation characteristics such as automatic metering, industrial control and monitoring. China is a large and important market which makes undertaking a project like this worthwhile. Interference in 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz band is lower than that in 2.4 GHz. For a given transmit power and similar propagation conditions, nominal communication range is greater in the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz bands than in the 2.4 GHz band. This makes it appropriate for many applications for which 2.4 GHz is not, due to improved range and reliability. The amendment to 802.15.4 will address operation in one or more of the 314-316 MHz, 430-434 MHz, and 779-787 MHz band defined in the Chinese regulations. Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance