Hip, Groin, and Pelvis PE 236 Juan Cuevas, ATC © 2007 McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.
Recognition and Management of Specific Hip, Groin, and Pelvic Injuries Groin Strain Cause of Injury One of the more difficult problems to _________ Often seen in _______ part of season due to poor strength and flexibility Occurs from running , jumping, twisting w/ hip external rotation or severe stretch Signs of Injury Sudden twinge or tearing during active movement Produce pain, _________, and internal hemorrhaging
Groin Strain (continued) Care RICE, __________ and analgesics for 48-72 hours Rest is critical Restore normal ROM and strength -- provide support w/ wrap Refer to physician if severe ______ pain is experienced
________ of the Hip Joint Cause of Injury Result of violent twist due to forceful contact Force from opponent/object Signs of Injury Signs of acute injury and inability to circumduct hip Pain in ______ region, w/ hip rotation increasing pain Care X-rays or MRI should be performed to rule out fx RICE, NSAID’s and analgesics Depending on severity, crutches may be required ROM and _______ are delayed until hip is pain free
Piriformis Syndrome Cause of Condition Signs of Injury Care Compression of _______nerve; irritation due to tightness or spasm of muscle May mimic sciatica Signs of Injury Pain, numbness and tingling in butt – may extend below knee and into ________ Care Stretching and _________ NSAID’s may be prescribed Cessation of aggravating activities will be prescribed Corticosteroid ________ may also be suggested
Dislocated Hip Cause of Injury Signs of Injury Care Rarely occurs in sport Result of traumatic force directed along the _________ of the femur Signs of Injury ________,_________ and _________ rotated hip Displaced femoral head, _____________! Serious problem Soft tissue, neurological damage and possible fx Care Immediate medical care (blood and nerve supply may be compromised) ________________may further complicate reduction 2 weeks immobilization and crutch use for at least one month
_________ Contusion (hip pointer) Cause of Injury Contusion of iliac crest or abdominal musculature Direct blow Signs of Injury Pain, spasm, and transitory _______ of soft structures Decreased rotation of trunk or thigh/hip flexion due to pain Care RICE for at least 48 hours, NSAID’s, Bed rest ____ days in severe cases Referral must be made, X-ray Padding should be used upon return to minimize chance of added injury
_____________ Fractures Cause of Injury Avulsions seen in sports w/ sudden _____________ and decelerations Pulling of tendon away and off of bony insertion Common sites include ______ (sartorius), AIIS (rectus femoris attachment), ischial tuberosity (hamstring) Signs of Injury ________ localized pain w/ limited movement Pain, swelling, point tenderness Care Rest, limited activity and graduated exercise