ICT & Multimedia Information & Communication Technology Multimedia: the integrated use of several media forms Text Audio Visual
Role of the Computer in ICT & Multimedia Computers needed to: integrate use of multimedia texts in ICT store and distribute software / programmes: CDs disseminate information globally: Internet
Role of Language in ICT & Multimedia Language plays central role in constructing ICT texts writing computer programmes
ICT Texts (1) ICT texts used in Dissemination of information Commercial: e.g., Internet advertisements, business sites Research: e.g., Online journals, articles, news reports Educational: e.g., CALL software, video conferencing, online conference classes
ICT Texts (2) ICT texts used in Social interaction Synchronous/Real-time: e.g., IRCs Asynchronous: e.g., real-time
Studying Language in ICT: Use of language in ICT (1) Programming language not covered in detail in this course mentioned in Units 1 and 3 of module coded language: commands for the machine translated into verbal language for human users
Studying Language in ICT: Use of language in ICT (2) Electronic communication Nature of electronic text Cognitive and social impact on users Evolution of computer-mediated discourse Linguistic aspects Social aspects
Studying Language in ICT: Use of ICT & Multimedia in Language Learning & Teaching Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) History Principles and Benefits Non-online and online CALL