<Preliminary proposal name> <name of proposer/speaker> <e-mail> <company/organisation> Role: <Proposal coordinator, WP leader, S/T provider> Proposal activity: < ref. specific call in work programme, e.g. SU-BES01-2018>, <Sub-topic (if applicable)> SMI2G 2019, 29-30 January 2019, Brussels Name and e-mail of proposer/presenter
Proposal idea/content <Description of the proposed project> <Be brief and clear. Focus on key strong/selling points> <1 slide with a diagram/illustration is recommended > SMI2G 2019, 29-30 January 2019, Brussels Name and e-mail of proposer/presenter
Project participants Proposed coordinator: <…> Partners / Other participants: < you may only disclose number of, type and country info of partners, and/or expertise already available > Looking for partners with the following expertise/ technology/ application field: <….> SMI2G 2019, 29-30 January 2019, Brussels Name and e-mail of proposer/presenter