LOG PERIODIC DuHamel – University of Illinois altered the bi-fin antenna linear polarization, satisfied ANGLE PRICIPLE, but not TRUNCATION PRINCIPLE. needed to cause currents to fall off more rapidly introduced discontinuities – “teeth” in fins – to increase radiation and increase decay of “I “
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) To satisfy ANGLE PRINCIPLE concept of Rumsey, teeth were made along circular arcs so their length was determined by an angle BUT HOW TO DETERMINE SPACING ?
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) Looking at equiangular spiral on a radial line from center the spacing of the arms are in a constant ratio So radii of successive teeth were chosen such that
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) Resulting structure is not exactly frequency independent, but it should have identical characteristics at a discrete number of frequencies Example If the p-th tooth is at then the (p-1)th tooth is at
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) so identical performance at as long as the structure is accurate at the feed and there are negligible currents at the truncation point.
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) Fig. 11-6 Planar and wire logarithmically periodic antennas
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) Since performance is periodic function of the log of the frequency LOG-PERIODIC ANTENNAS Experimentally, they found that the variation in pattern between the periods were relatively minor for designs where was not too far from 1.0
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) Still this periodic antenna was bi-directional and had a broad pattern z BI-FIN had fields polarized in dir. Some models of log-periodic were found to have linear polarization in the dir. (along dir. of teeth instead of perpendicular to them) z x x BI-FIN LOG PERIODIC
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) Isbell – ignored restrictions on planar structures by Babinet. folded planar L-P structure into a wedge got unidirectional pattern off the tip same bandwidth -dir polarization could be made straight (trapizodal) most currents were in teeth whose length was near [see model] Also found they could only just outline the periphery of the sheet structure with a wire and it would still work
LOG PERIODIC (CONT) Fig. 11-6 Planar and wire trapezoidal toothed log - periodic antennas
LOG-PERIODIC (CONT) Fig. 11.8 Linearly polarized flush mounted cavity-backed log-periodic slot antenna