Proposal Title/ Competences EPoSS Proposer’s Day 08/02/2018 Proposal Title/ Competences Call Name Company Name Type of Company Roberto Caminiti Technical Advisor
Running Projects/Success Projects: Company Profile: Objective: Expected Results: Running Projects/Success Projects: Progetto co-finanziato dal ERDF Piedmont ROP I1b12_cluster
Organisation Contact person: E-mail: Phone: Da compilare Known Partners S. No Partner Name Type Country Role in the Project 1. ESEMPIO: Google CLU Italy Coordinator 2. 3. Required Partners Profile Role in the project Eg. Material supplier SME Materials for component processing 2. Eg. Opto-electric parts producer Opto-electric goods validation Eg. Laser system integrator Design of laser processing tool 4. Eg. Laser manufacture Industrial laser tool 5. Organisation Contact person: E-mail: Phone: Da compilare Progetto co-finanziato dal ERDF Piedmont ROP I1b12_cluster