Sermon on the Mount The Citizens of the Kingdom (5:1-16) The Righteousness of the Kingdom (5:17-48) Sincere Devotion in the Kingdom (6:1-18) Trusting God in the Kingdom (6:19-34) Relating to Man in the Kingdom (7:1-12) Entering the Kingdom (7:13-27)
The Kingdom of God Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7 The Message Matt. 4:23 – preaching gospel of kingdom “Kingdom” repeated throughout: (5:3, 10, 19, 20; 6:10; 33; 7:21)
Sermon on the Mount Citizens of the Kingdom (5:2-16) Outline Sermon on the Mount Citizens of the Kingdom (5:2-16) Characteristics [Beatitudes] (5:2-12) Their influence on the world (5:13-16) Righteousness of the Kingdom (5:17 - 7:12) Harmonizes with the Old Testament (5:17-19) Exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes & Pharisee (5:20-48) Relationship to God (6) Relationship to man (7:1-12) Exhortation to Enter the Kingdom (7:13-27) Enter the narrow gate that leads to life (7:13-14) Don’t let false prophets turn you aside (7:15-20) Only the obedient enter the kingdom (7:21-27)
The Citizens of the Kingdom (Matt. 5:1-16) Review Characteristics of the Citizens (5:2-12) The Influence of the Citizens on the World (5:13-16) Sermon on the Mount
The Righteousness of the Kingdom (Matt. 5:17-48) Review Harmonizes with the Old Testament (5:17-19) Exceeds the Righteousness of Scribes and Pharisees (5:20-48) Sermon on the Mount
Sincere Devotion In the Kingdom (Matt. 6:1-18) Review Giving to the Needy (vv. 1-4) Prayer (vv. 5-15) Fasting (vv. 16-18) Sermon on the Mount
Trusting God In the Kingdom (Matt. 6:19-34) Review Trust in God – Not in Earthly Things (vv. 19-24) Trust in God – Do Not Worry (vv. 25-34) Sermon on the Mount
Relating to Man In the Kingdom (Matt. 7:1-12) Point: In this kingdom, God expects us to relate properly with fellow man! Sermon on the Mount
Relating to Man In the Kingdom (Matt. 7:1-12) Don’t Judge Hypocritically (vv. 1-5) Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (vv. 6-11) Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated (v. 12) Sermon on the Mount
Relating to Man In the Kingdom (Matt. 7:1-12) Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Sermon on the Mount
Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Sermon on the Mount Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) His point is not: condemning all judging & all condemnation Told to judge (John 7:24) Must judge who are the “dogs”, “swine” (v. 6) and “false prophets” (v. 15) Teaching the gospel demands: Conviction of sin (John 16:8) Change of heart (Acts 17:30; Lk. 24:47) Must correct the erring (Jas. 5:19-20; Gal. 6:1) Must admonish the disorderly (1 Thess. 5:14)
Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Sermon on the Mount Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) His point is not: condemning all judging & all condemnation Point is: Hypocritical and merciless judging Follows on the heels of admonition to mercy in Luke’s account (Luke 6:36-ff) Connects with love (cf. Matt. 5:43-48) Those who have such a crying need for God’s compassion are out of place to show no mercy toward others Context: hypocrite Trying to correct the faults of others while ignoring our own Called “hypocrite” (v. 5)
Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Sermon on the Mount Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) His point is not: condemning all judging & all condemnation Point is: Hypocritical and merciless judging Will be judged like he judges others (vv. 1-2) If judge and handle others without mercy, he will be judged without mercy True of being judged by both God and man
Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Sermon on the Mount Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) His point is not: condemning all judging & all condemnation Point is: Hypocrital and merciless judging Will be judged like he judges others (vv. 1-2) First correct self – then others (v. 5) Straighten up own life first, then help others! Otherwise, we are hypocrites! Both self-discipline & mutual discipline are encouraged A close self-examination will help us be more patient and humble in dealing with others.
Relating to Man In the Kingdom (Matt. 7:1-12) Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Sermon on the Mount
Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Sermon on the Mount Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Don’t force the gospel on those who don’t want it (v. 6) “Holy” May refer to OT Sacrifice which only the priest could eat (Exo. 20:32; Lev. 2:3) If you give it to a dog – means no more to him than garbage Application is to the gospel and all things associated with it
Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Sermon on the Mount Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Don’t force the gospel on those who don’t want it (v. 6) “Holy” “Dogs” / “Swine” Those who have no interest in the gospel – indifferent – means nothing to them Don’t understand the value of the gospel Swine have no appreciation for pearls Point: don’t force the gospel on those who don’t want it Time could be spent on fertile soil No one who enters this kingdom has been forced in!
Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Sermon on the Mount Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Don’t force the gospel on those who don’t want it (v. 6) God graciously gives to us (vv. 7-11) These verses set in context of how to deal with others Before: (v. 6) After: (v. 12) – “therefore” Several possible applications: We ask and God gives (as a father to son) likewise we should be gracious to others In matters like verses 1-5, 6, God’s help is needed When at a lose to know whether one is “dog” or “swine” .. Ask of God In view of all that God demands in this kingdom – lest we get discouraged – ask and seek
Relating to Man In the Kingdom (Matt. 7:1-12) Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated (7:12) Sermon on the Mount
Treat Other the Way You Want to be Treated (7:12) Sermon on the Mount Treat Other the Way You Want to be Treated (7:12) Not as they treat you or as they deserve Prov. 24:29 Compare Matt. 5:38-42 As you want to be treated All know the principle well Applying it – not done as well Applies: neighbors, fellow workers, family, brethren, and enemies Especially true in the kingdom as we teach (v. 6) Kingdom citizens should be the kindest people on earth
We Deal With Others By First Looking at Self: Relating to Man In the Kingdom (Matt. 7:1-12) Don’t Judge Hypocritically (7:1-5) Be Gracious to Others as God is to Us (7:6-11) Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated (7:12) We Deal With Others By First Looking at Self: Own faults (v. 5) How God is gracious to us (vv. 7-11) How we want to be treated (v. 12) Sermon on the Mount