Protists Section 18-1 and 23-1
To do list…. the structure of the processes of life: an amoeba. a paramecium. the processes of life: (food-getting, waste removal, response, reproduction, respiration)
Amoeba / Ameba
Amoeba Structures A ectoplasm CA cell membrane BA Food Pseudopodium HA vacuole w/crystal KA cytoplasmic streaming JA endoplasm IA contractile vacuole FA nucleus EA food vacuole with diatom GA pseudopodium Pseudopodium Contractile vacuole ectoplasm endoplasm food vacuole w/diatom Nucleus Cytoplasmic streaming
Amoeba / Ameba
The paramecium What are the structures of a paramecium? How does this structure allow a paramecium to carry out the processes of life?
Structures - Paramecium cilium trichocyst anal pore contractile vacuole (vacuole canal) micronucleus oral groove gullet pellicle N A FP L M H F J B Can you label these structures?
Structure Slipper-shaped Cilia anterior/posterior ends macronucleus and micronucleus
Food-getting Bacteria, small protozoa, algae oral groove mouth pore gullet food vacuole cytoplasmic streaming anal pore Check out: A17, A19, B6 B36,B37,B38,
Endocytosis = Phagocytosis Food-getting Pseudopodium s Food vacuole s
Symbiotic relationship Paramecium Green algae (Chlorella)
Waste Removal (water, ammonia) Hypotonic environment Water enters passively A contractile vacuole uses cellular energy to pump water out Carbon dioxide is a waste product! How does this leave the cell? By diffusion directly through the cell membrane. Oxygen enters the same way. Check out A24
Response Avoidance reaction Trichocysts Positive for food negative for heat, low oxygen levels, cold, toxic chemicals
Reproduction Binary fission conjugation
Replication Binary Fission
Fission in Paramecium
Respiration Diffusion
Homework: Look up these words and copy the sentence in the textbook that includes the word. Find these in either 18-1 or 23-1
Because differences among are so extreme, most scientists agree that they (protists) should be divided into many different kingdoms. (p.417) Over time a remarkable relationship called symbiosis occurred. This symbiosis relationship is called mutualism. (p. 416)
This mass moves around for a while, then forms a fruiting body that releases spores that develop into new ameoba-like cell on their own, with out needing to join with another cell In alternation of generations diploid and haploid cells switch back and forth.
Review Xerox - Protists Section 23-1 2 k 3 b 4 n 5 h 6 d 7 a 8 g 9 m 10 l 11 c 12 b 13 i 14 o 15 d 16 f 17 j
Page 2 18 Eukaryotic 19 True 20 Ameba 21 True 22 True (EC) 23 Spores (EC) 24 True 25 True 26 Lack chlorophyll 27 a single cell
Paramecium A. Macronucleus B. Micronucleus C. Gullet (oral groove) D. Anal pore E. Pellicle F. Cilia G. Contractile vacuole 28. Animal like because it moves.