The mission to "shelter" people goes beyond just tents; from the customer perspective it includes the total solution set (flooring (wood-AM2)/lighting/gensets etc.) to make them habitable i.e. a turnkey operation. Whether the requests come from DSTs/LNOs/COCOMS/customers/or FEMA the requests are similar. 1. what range of product do you have that can "shelter" people (tents/RLBs/SWA Huts/other modular shelters) 2. what ancillary and supporting products are needed and available to make the "shelter" habitable (wood or AM2 flooring/light sets/ generators etc.) 2. how many people do they house (tech spec/space footprint/) 3. how many do you have on hand and on contract 4. when and how can you get them shipped to me (EDD/PLT) 5. How much do they cost The initiative was to look at the possible "shelter" solutions across supply chains not just for tentage but for the total fielding package (CL IV/tents etc.) so that deployment and disaster relief planners can have real time access to relevant information in lieu of initiating multiple JLOC taskers to gather this info.
Good Morning Gentlemen: Based on the I sent you last week regarding a repository of Tent/Shelter slides…, I am attaching the latest charts I have regarding tents/shelters. …We would eventually like to meet with you all to discuss the best process/approach for Tony's initiative since these items will be managed in both C&T and C&E. Per Tony, ideally we could think about a couple "catalogs" based on mission sets, (in this case, i.e. for tents and shelters -develop web link, hit this link and see pictures/specs and inventory). The objective is to have a catalog repository of inventory and tech information that we could provide customers via web link. Please review what we believe are the most recent versions of tent and shelter slides and add/delete slides as you see necessary. Please provide your adds or deleted slides to me by COB July 19th. Then, we'll send out a meeting request to discuss; 1) Final look for slides, and inventory spreadsheets, 2) what you think would work best for a prospective website link for customers who procure tents and shelters from DSCP, and 3) where the website link for these customers should reside. Customer Outreach Analyst 700 Robbins AvenuePhila., PA 19111
Instruction Slide 8 Text File 1 Well Add Your Favorite Store … System Development for DLA E-MALL-TENTNET a. The main objective is to present data that will be used to develop new web pages for the DoD EMALL to accurately and properly reflect standard Army tents. b. Additional objectives will include developing tent system packages as kits for future acquisitions to provide the combatant commanders with a one-stop shopping entity to get everything they need to environmental protect their soldiers for the for purpose of allowing them to perform their mission in a field environment. The basic idea is to add all the information the customer needs into the DoD EMALL including, but not limited to the following categories of data: Basic tent System NSNs, the piece part NSNs that go into the tent system, the auxiliary items that make a tent system into a functional unite (e.g. lights, air conditioning/heating, tables, chairs, etc…) In addition to the narrative data commonly found in the Federal Catalogue system there is a desire to add photographs, drawings, specifications and test reports associated with the tent and shelter items.
9 May
These are the Army Standard Approved Heaters
Warfighters Basecamp Specialty Store supported the tents as shelter system including spare and replacement parts.
1.Hover on the Shop Tab 2.Click on Specialty Store 1.Hover on the Shop Tab 2.Click on Specialty Store
Scroll down to the Tent Superstore
Select Tent Superstore Select Tent Superstore
Navigate the same as your Windows Explorer Folders
Double click on the tent type, class, size or color. You can also choose the Options Folder to browse and order ancillary support components or spare parts.