CIPD Intermediate Certificate and Diploma in Human Resource Management 11/24/2018
Employee engagement LO1 AC 1.1 Analyse the meaning principal dimensions and components of “employee engagement” and compare with other related concepts Emotional engagement Cognitive engagement Physical engagement DHRM 24/11/2018
The components of employee engagement 1.1 Employer engagement and the psychological contract Employee perceptions of job importance Employee clarity of job/role performance expectations Career advancement/improvement opportunities Personal growth and challenge elements within the role Regular feedback and dialogue with superiors Quality of working relationships with peers, seniors and subordinates Perceptions of the ethos and values of the organisation The organisation as an employer brand or employer of choice
Today’s objectives 1.2 Justify the need for alignment between engagement practices and other corporate components…… 2.1 Identify the principle drivers of employee engagement and evaluate the business benefits for the organisation and different stakeholders 2.2 Explain the application of employee engagement through job design, discretionary behaviour, role autonomy and organisational citizenship
Alignment…. Outline the organisations vision, mission and values Outline the organisations key objectives Define the employee engagement strategy and how this supports the organisations vision, mission, values and key objectives Set specific goals and measures of success for the employees engagement strategy Describe the actions to be taken to achieve the goals, what will happen, when and where and who will be responsible (Cook 2008:58)
EE as a vital dimension…….. ……of HR policies, strategies and practices So why should the organisation be focusing on EE? What are the potential business benefits? DHRM 24/11/2018
Principle drivers 2.1 Four key elements that drive employee engagement: Well being Information Fairness Involvement
Documented results Greater productivity Increased passion for and commitment to the organisations vision, strategy and goals Greater alignment with the organisations values A high energy working environment A greater sense of team Higher levels of creativity and innovation Boosted business growth Greater value creation (Cook 2008)
Documented results A greater sense of loyalty to the organisation Higher levels of staff retention, lowered attrition rates Better recruitment and selection Higher talent retention Employees being better brand ambassadors Attractive reputation Improved customer experience and customer loyalty Sustained long-term success (Cook 2008)
Application of EE 2.2 Recruitment and selection strategies – choosing the right fit and realistic job previews Strong induction and orientation programme Rigorous training and development – technical, soft skills, leadership development Incentives – recognition, profit sharing, long service Regular feedback Communication forums – intranet, newsletter, e- forum, conferences Recreational activities
The best places to work VkAcw resources/factsheets/employee- engagement.aspx
Bibliography Alfes, K. Truss, C. Soane, E. Rees, C. Gatenby M. 2010 Creating an Engaged Workforce. Findings from the Kingston Employee Engagement Consortium Project. Research Report Heskett, j. Sasser, E and Schlesinger, L (1997) The Service Profit Chain: How leading companies link profit and growth to loyalty, satisfaction and vlaue, Simon S& Schuster, New York Kahn (1990) Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal. Vol 33, No 4 pp692-724 Cook, S. (2008) The Essential Guide to Employee Engagement Better Business Performance Through Staff Satisfaction. Kogan Page DHRM 24/11/2018