Waste accounts in the Netherlands Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Waste accounts in the Netherlands Roel Delahaye Statistics Netherlands
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Dutch waste accounts Developed in 2006 Waste accounts in a NAMEA framework, Delahaye (2006). Based on the European waste regulation Regular, comparable and up to date data. Many waste categories are distinguished. Part of the environmental accounts According to concepts national accounts.
Environmental Accounting Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Environmental Accounting Solid waste supply and use tables + domestic waste production + waste export – domestic waste absorption (recycling, incineration, landfill) – waste import ---------------------------------------------------------------- = waste to environment
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Data sources Waste database (used for questionnaire) CBS data on municipal waste, industrial waste Surveys construction and service industry Registrations dangerous waste Registrations import-export (red & amber list) Treatment of waste International trade statistics (green list) National accounts (waste products) Energy statistics (waste use for incineration)
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Data issues Registrations versus accounts: resident principle waste treatment: including export but not import final treatment versus first treatment. Link with monetary data National accounts: Waste residuals: Solid waste that has a value of zero (or a negative value) to the generator. Waste products: Solid waste that has a positive value to the generator.
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Data issues Other issues: allocation to WStatR codes extend the number of SBI’s Balancing supply and use changing of Eural codes from import to export conversion to dry matter illegal waste
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Results - 58 industrial branches for analytical purposes 27 industrial branches on Statline (supply side) 62 waste categories, 8 on Statline waste products – waste residuals hazardous waste – non hazardous waste 3 types of treatment (incineration, recycling, land fill) 1990-2006 (less detail before 2001)
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Supply and use of waste, Netherlands
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Waste products and waste residuals, 2005
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Hazardous and non-hazardous waste, 2005
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Waste production source, 2005
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Waste categories, 2005
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Decomposition of treated waste in the Netherlands
Part VI. Extensions of the Core System 23 October 2003 Conclusions WStatR suitable as starting point NAMEA waste. Adjustments of registration data: Add import-export green waste list Waste products and residuals Treatment per SBI Resident principle Illegal waste transport