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Presentation transcript:

Heimildaleit og heimildavinnsla Gunnsteinn Haraldsson Kennslustjóri rannsóknartengds náms

Heimildaleit og heimildavinnsla Leita að heimildum í gagnabönkum Flytja heimildir í heimildavinnsluhugbúnað Nota heimildavinnsluhugbúnað til að gera heimildaskrá

Heimildaleit – 2 gagnabankar PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?DB=pubmed eða www.pubmed.com Institute for Scientific Information Web of Science (Web of Knowledge) http://portal.isiknowledge.com/portal.cgi?Init=Yes&SID=X1MDdmJDdJm19MjDeb8 hvar.is -> Web of Science

Aðrir gagnabankar og leitarvélar CSA – Illumina (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) http://www-uk1.csa.com/ids70/select_databases.php?SID=a464335acbccff412c0ada8916c1d622 OVID – web gateway http://gateway.uk.ovid.com/ hvar.is -> OVID Google, Yahoo, osfrv. Britannica, Wikipedia

PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH). www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

PubMed Coverage PubMed provides access to bibliographic information that includes MEDLINE, OLDMEDLINE, as well as: The out-of-scope citations (e.g., articles on plate tectonics or astrophysics) from certain MEDLINE journals, primarily general science and chemistry journals, for which the life sciences articles are indexed for MEDLINE. Citations that precede the date that a journal was selected for MEDLINE indexing. Some additional life science journals that submit full text to PubMedCentral and receive a qualitative review by NLM.

ISI Web of Knowledge Thomson Scientific is part of the Scientific & Healthcare market segment of The Thomson Corporation. Covers over 22,000 journals, 23 million patents, 12,000 conference proceedings, 5,500 Web sites, 5,000 books, 2 million chemical structures, and now scholarly Web content via the Web Citation Index

Leit í PubMed Leitarskilyrði Takmörkuð leit (Limits) höfundur, titill greinar, tímarit, lykilorð, útdráttur Takmörkuð leit (Limits) dagsetning, tungumál, tegund greinar (review/case report/osfrv.) ofl.

PubMed Tenglar: abstract leit að greinum eftir meðhöfunda skyldar greinar tengill á greinina sjálfa hjá útgefanda greinarinnar í gagnasöfnum (PubMed Central)

WoS Leitarskilyrði Takmörkuð leit höfundur, titill greinar, tímarit, lykilorð, útdráttur Takmörkuð leit

WoS - results Refine your results Subject Categories Source Titles Document Types Authors Publication Years

WoS Tenglar: abstract leit að greinum eftir meðhöfunda heimildir (Cited references: heimildaskrá greinarinnar) tilvitnanir (Times Cited: aðrir höfundar sem vitna í grein) find related records export to reference software create citation alert tengill á greinina sjálfa hjá útgefanda greinarinnar

eTOCs electronic Table of Contents “allir” útgefendur bjóða uppá þessa þjónustu ókeypis þarf að skrá sig inn (ókeypis)

My NCBI – Citation Alerts Web of Science – Citation Alerts Hægt að vista leitir í báðum gagnabönkum fá tölvupóst þegar nýjar greinar koma inn þarf að skrá sig inn (ókeypis)

Heimasíður tímarita Skrá sig á eTOC lista Gefa flestar kost á innflutningi í heimildahugbúnað

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EndNote Flytja gögn úr PubMed eða WoS varast: Stafi sem ekki eru í ensku stafrófi (broddstafi, α, β) Heiti tegunda, gena og aðra latínu (skáletrun) Réttar upplýsingar Capital Case Format Skammstöfun á heiti tímarita Flytja gögn frá útgefendum tímarita Rétt format

EndNote – að flytja inn gögn Import Filters (flutt inn í gegnum browser) Import filters are the files used by EndNote to transfer information previously downloaded from an online database. Connection Filters (flutt inn í gegnum EndNote) Connection files contain all the information necessary for EndNote to search and import references from a remote database.

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EndNote – að gera heimildaskrá Output Styles The EndNote Styles collection contains more than 2000 bibliographic styles for a variety of disciplines Edit -> Output Styles -> Open Style Manager