---Tests --Packets --Vocab word intro
Sources are places that you get information from.
Sources are places that you get information from. Sources can be considered primary or secondary or tertiary depending on where the information came from
Primary Source Primary Source = is an artifact, a document, diary, a manuscript, an autobiography, a recording, or other source of info….created in that time period. (can be a person with direct knowledge of a situation, or a document created by such a person)….can not be edited nor interpreted
PRIMARY SOURCE EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: Autobiographies Diaries Documents Eyewitness accounts Film footage Laws Letters Vi deo recording Meeting minutes Email messages Blog postings Objects Historical objects Photographs Poems/music/art Speeches Interviews Manuscripts Newspaper Articles Maps Podcasts Voicemail
Secondary Source Secondary Source = involve generalization, analysis, synthesis, interpretation, or evaluation of the original information. A secondary source is a document or recording that relates or discusses information originally presented elsewhere
Secondary Source Examples History Textbooks Encyclopedias Biographies Reference books Non-fiction history books Journal articles
BIAS Bias means when a person’s perception (what they think / feel) is slanted……..different than what it would have been had they been raised in a different place or in a different culture.
POINT of VIEW Point of view is usually different for everyone since they bring different experiences and backgrounds to how they think / feel.
POINT of VIEW Point of view is usually different for everyone since they bring different experiences and backgrounds to how they think / feel. What is your point of view about school?
POINT of VIEW Point of view is usually different for everyone since they bring different experiences and backgrounds to how they think / feel. What is your point of view about school? Name 1 experience that happened to you in the past, that made you feel this way. (MAKING IT REAL)
Databases There are many databases. They are computer files that are organized so that you can search articles and information.
“Believe only half of what you see and 10% of what you hear” What does this mean? “Believe only half of what you see and 10% of what you hear”
Media The media plays an important part of a person’s perceptions and bias they might have. Just because you hear something or see something….doesn’t mean it is true………“Believe only half of what you see and 10% of what you hear”
BIAS Point of VIEW Databases Media Primary Sources Secondary Sources WHOLE BRAIN BIAS Point of VIEW Databases Media Primary Sources Secondary Sources
LANDFORMS - continued
Archipelago Archipelago – a group of islands
Bay Bay = Part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline (is generally smaller than a gulf)
Cape Cape = Point of land that extends into a river, lake, or ocean
Channel Channel = wide strait or waterway between two landmasses that lie close to each other (deep part of a river or a waterway)
Cliff Cliff = Steep, high wall of rock, earth, or ice
Delta Delta = Flat, low-lying land built up from soil carried downstream by a river and deposited at its mouth
WHOLE BRAIN Archipelago Bay Cape Channel Cliff Delta
Divide Divide = Stretch of high land that separates river systems
Escarpment Escarpment = Steep cliff or slope between a higher and lower land surface
Gulf Gulf = part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline …generally larger than a bay
Harbor Harbor = A sheltered place along a shoreline where ships can anchor safely
Highland Highland = elevated land area such as a hill, mountain, or plateau
Island Island = land area, smaller than a continent, completely surrounded by water
WHOLE BRAIN Divide Escarpment Gulf Highland Island
Isthmus Isthmus = Narrow stretch of land connecting two larger land areas
Lowland Lowland = land that is usually level….but at a low elevation
Mesa Mesa = Broad….flat-topped landform with steep sides (smaller than a plateau)
Mouth of a (river or stream) Mouth of a (river or stream) = Place where a stream or river flows into a larger body of water
Oasis Oasis = Small area in a desert where water and vegetation are found
WHOLE BRAIN Isthmus Lowland Mesa Mouth of a River Oasis
Peninsula Peninsula = body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded on three sides by water
Reef Reef = A chain of rocks, coral or sand at…..or near…..the surface of the water
Sound Sound = Broad inland body of water, often between a coastline and one or more islands….off the coast
Source of a River or Stream Source (of a river or stream) = Place where a (river or stream) begins…..often in the highlands
Strait Strait = Narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water
Tributary Tributary = Small river or stream that flows into a large river or stream, a branch of the river
Upstream Upstream = Direction opposite the flow of a river (toward the source of a river or stream)
WHOLE BRAIN Peninsula Reef Sound Source of a River Strait Tributary Upstream
Country of Focus CHINA
State of Focus Lousiana
Map of Focus United States