Poster Title – Franklin Gothic Demi 3’x6’ (28”x56”at scale – AADR 2014 Style Author Name, Degree, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis Indiana - Franklin Gothic Medium Cond ABSTRACT– Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! METHODS– Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! MATERIALS – Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! PHOTOS– Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! TABLES or FIGURES – Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! RESULTS– Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! DISCUSSION– Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! REFERENCES– Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS– Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Replace this text with great stuff. Standard body text is Georgia Pro. Scale the size of the boxes and font to best fit your data into the poster size. Don’t forget photos and illustrations!