Egypt & The Nile Originally called Kemet, after the black soil that was located there. Later named Egypt by Greeks
Nile Valley Nile Stretches 4,160 miles (worlds longest river). Begins in a mountainous region and flows downhill towards Mediterranean Sea Before emptying, marshy Nile Delta begins. In springtime the Nile floods & deposits fertile silt.
Early Peoples As early as 5000 years ago man began to settle in the Nile valley. Leaders united these early peoples into kingdoms. By 4000 BCE two main kingdoms dominated. Upper- southern Egypt Lower- northern Egypt
Narmer (Menes) Around 3000 BCE, the king of upper Egypt heads north to conquer lower Egypt. Capital City of Memphis. First Dynasty in Egyptian history.
The Old Kingdom 2700-2200 BCE Governed by a theocracy: government & religion ruled by same group or person. Pharaoh: religious and govt. leader of Ancient Egypt. Delegated many responsibilities to bureaucracy.
The Pyramids Step Pyramid: built for king Djoser (zoser). A collection of Mastabahs Later Egyptians built 3 pyramids at Giza (largest is the Great Pyramid, 481 feet high). Pyramids served as tombs for Pharaoh’s
The Middle and New Kingdoms Ancient Egypt The Middle and New Kingdoms
Decline and Chaos Around 2200 BCE The kings of Memphis begin to lose power. Violence and upheaval plagued the dynasties of the Old Kingdom Around 2050 the capital is moved to Thebes and a new dynasty begins. 2050 – 1670 BCE
The Theban Kings Soldiers captured Nubia and charged taxes, or tributes. The Nubians paid the taxes called tributes to Pharaoh. Supported new projects Built Canals Irrigation Ditches Traded with other nations Arabian Peninsula African Nations
The Middle Kingdom During the Middle Kingdom, arts, literature, and architecture thrived. Painters covered the walls of tombs and temples with colorful scenes of the gods and daily life. Sculptors created large wall carvings of the pharaohs. Instead of pyramids, they buried the pharaoh in tombs cut into the cliffs .
Hyksos Rule 1700BCE Local leaders began to challenge the rule of the Thebans Hyksos, a people from western Asia swept into Egypt Bronze Weapons Horse Drawn Chariots Hyksos rule Egypt for 150 years
The Fall of the Hyksos Egyptians gained the skills of the Hyksos and turned against them. Khamose Ahmose 1550 – 1480 BC
The New Kingdom 1550 – 1080 BC
Rule of Ahmose 1600BCE Ahmose gathers forces and drives out the Hyksos This Begins the New Kingdom Extends empire to the East and North
Rebuilding Egypt First Ahmose then Hatshepsut are dedicated to restoring the glory of Egypt. 1480 Hatshepsut comes to power, rules over Egypt as Pharaoh Builds up city of Thebes. With obelisks and statues
Thutmose III Takes Control and continues to gain territory for Egypt Battle of Megiddo is a success Erases Hatshepsut from records
Amenhotep IV He and his wife Nefertiti founds new religion based on single god. First Monotheists in world history! Aton- The sun disk god Amenhotep changes his name to Akhenaton (meaning spirit of Aton) Moves capital out of Thebes to show break from the past
New Faith = New Problems Akhenaton concentrated on spreading new religion. Spent money and time on faith and neglected the state As a result Egypt lost territory old priests became angry When Akhenaton dies the old Polytheistic religion comes back
Back to Thebes After Death of Akhenaton the priests force Tutankhamen to reinstate the Polytheistic Religion and Theban Capital city New Dynasty is established after Tut’s death.
Ramses II & Decline Rules Egypt for 67 years Believed to be the Biblical Pharaoh that tormented Moses After his death in 1237 Egypt begins a decline In 945 Lybians and Kushites take control of Nile Valley