New Deal Foreign Affairs through 1937 FDR’s interests turn to foreign affairs-a contrast to the first New Deal philosophy
I. Early New Deal Foreign Policies A. London Economic Conference (summer 1933) 1. stabilization of world currency 2. deal with war debt and reparations B. Reciprocal Trade Pacts 1. Sen. Cordell Hull C. Good Neighbor Policy 1. Mexico and Latin America
“The Good Neighbor Goes Visiting”
II. Depression Spawns International Problems A. Japan Hirohito B. Italy Mussolini C. Germany Hitler D. USSR Stalin
“The Rape of Nanking” 1937-1938
III. Neutrality and FDR A. Basis 1. disgust with war 2. Stay out of European Troubles (G. Washington) B. American Neutrality Legislation 1. As early as 1934 investigations were conducted pertaining to U.S. entry into WWI 2. American Neutrality Acts-1937
C. FDR moves toward intervention 1. quarantine of aggressors-1937 Panay “Incident” Dec, 1937