“AGW: The One-Size Mythology that Fits Multiple Agendas” Larry Bell Ninth International Conference on Climate Change July 7-9, 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada, Tuesday: Panel 5
THE CHICKEN LITTLE SYNDROME: WE ARE DOOMED AGAIN Recent climate history: Earth began warming out of the last Ice Age about 18,000 years ago. 1,000 years ago Icelandic Vikings settled on Greenland’s southwestern coast. About 800 years ago temperatures dropped, leading to the Great Famine in Europe. Around 400 years ago the Northern Hemisphere plunged into depths of a “Little Ice Age” (not a true Ice Age”). The past century has witnessed two distinct warming periods, between 1900-1945, and between 1975-1998. Earth has been cooling since then. THE CHICKEN LITTLE SYNDROME: WE ARE DOOMED AGAIN
CLIMATE AS RELIGION: MAN-CAUSED PUNISHMENT HELL “Vapors rise as fever settles on an acid sea… Neptune’s bones dissolve… snow glides from the mountain… ice fathers floods for a season… a hard rain comes quickly… the dirt is parched”. Al Gore CLIMATE AS RELIGION: MAN-CAUSED PUNISHMENT HELL
ENDANGERMENT: END-RUN OF CONGRESS Bureaucracy protecting the planet from carbon hoof prints. ENDANGERMENT: END-RUN OF CONGRESS
UN POLITICAL SCIENCE LESSONS: THE IPCC International experts agree that US capitalism is causing global climate peril. UN POLITICAL SCIENCE LESSONS: THE IPCC
DEMANDING TRUTH AND ACCOUNTABILITY The return of Chicken Little: money…politics… hot air… cold casualties. DEMANDING TRUTH AND ACCOUNTABILITY