The Knee: Special Tests
Apprehension Test Used to test patellar femoral syndrome Patellar tracking With knee extended push patella laterally and create flexion to extension at knee joint With knee extended push patella medially and create flexion to extension at knee joint Video
Lachman’s Test ACL PCL Knee in slight flexion (about 20degrees) One hand behind tibia, one hand on thigh Pull the tibia anteriorly Video
Anterior Drawer Test ACL Athlete creates flexion at the knee and ATC sits on foot Both hands behind tibia (thumbs on tibial tuberosity) Pull tibia forward Video
Posterior Drawer Test PCL Athlete creates flexion at the knee and ATC sits on foot Both hands behind tibia (thumbs on tibial tuberosity) Push tibia posteriorly Video
Posterior Sag Sign PCL Position athlete in flexion Look for a drop/sag in the leg just inferior to the patella
Valgus Stress Test MCL Athlete lies supine on table ATC places one hand on lateral surface of thigh and one hand on medial surface of ankle ATC applies medial pressure on thigh and later pressure on ankle Repeat with knee flexed to 30degrees Video
Varus LCL Athlete lies supine and ATC places one hand on medial surface of thigh and one hand on lateral surface of ankle ATC applies lateral pressure on thigh and medial pressure on ankle Repeat with knee flexed to 30 degrees Video
McMurray’s Test Meniscus Athlete lies supine with knee in flexion ATC will test for medial meniscus damage by moving knee through external rotation & valgus force ATC will test for lateral meniscus damage by moving the knee through internal rotation & varus force Video
Duck Walk Meniscus Have athlete squat down and walk forward and backwards a few steps Video