Persuasive Paragraphs Communications 11
What are they? A persuasive paragraph tries to convince the reader of something As a writer, you are sharing your opinion so that the person reading will agree with you
Steps Step 1: pick a prompt (something to get you thinking) you know something about Step 2: state your opinion Step 3: provide your reasons for why you think that Step 4: conclude with a strong thought or idea
Example STEP 1: Should the voting age be lowered to 13? STEP 2: No, the voting age should not be lowered to 13. STEP 3: Thirteen year olds don’t have enough use of their brains to vote well They would change their minds based on what their friends wanted They don’t know enough about the world to vote STEP 4: The voting age shouldn’t be lowered to 13, but it could be lowered to perhaps 16. If you can drive, you should be able to vote.
Turn it into a paragraph The voting age should not be lowered to thirteen. Thirteen year olds don’t have enough use of their brains to vote well, and they would make bad decisions. They might also change their minds based on what their friends wanted. Additionally, thirteen year olds don’t know enough about the world to vote. So while the voting age shouldn’t be lowered to 13, it could be lowered to perhaps 16. It only makes sense that if you can drive, you should be able to vote.
Rules Do not use “I” , “we” , “me”, or any variation of that (you are writing it, I know it’s your opinion) Watch your spelling and grammar Vary your sentences = some will be longer than others Use transitions: also, additionally, therefore, because, so (and others like that)
Your Prompt options Should students have to wear uniforms? Should students be paid for having good grades? Should people who download music or movies illegally be punished? Should children be allowed to ‘divorce’ their parents and live alone? Should Canada and the USA become one country? Should teens be allowed into R-rated movies? Should children who commit violent crimes be tried as adults? Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?