Mesopotamia Arts Ryan & Brooklynn
Writing Iran 1835 Henry Rawlinson Started to decipher Cuneiform Cuneiform was one of the earliest forms of written, Used symbols/signs Symbols represented objects and ideas Scribes were responsible for reading and writing
Literature Oldest pieces of Literature in the world, is the Epic of Gilgamesh People of Mesopotamia used Literature to preserve religious teachings, ancient legends ETC. Gilgamesh ruled around 2600 BCE but the tablet is from 1700 BCE
Arts & Sculpture Almost everyone owned a small statue of one of the gods Mosaics were mostly used to tell a story Most famous Mosaic was the Standard of Ur, found by Leonard Woolley (1922) Relief carvings were an important art form, depicted mythical animals or figures
Extra Facts Cuneiform comes fro the Latin word cunes meaning wedge Ideograms represented different words Used clay and a reed stylus to write