The Masks of the Mayan Culture
The Mayan Civilization The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization(7000 BCE- 2000 BCE) developed by the Maya peoples, and noted for its hieroglyphic script—the only known fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas—as well as for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system. The lives of the ancient Maya centered around their religion and gods of nature. 1524 CE is the traditional date of the end of the Mayan Civilization, when the last Maya resistance is crushed by the conquistador Alvarado.
The Maya civilization developed in an area that encompasses southeastern Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador.
Interesting Facts about Mayan Art Unlike many ancient civilizations, Maya artists sometimes signed their work. Other arts included the performing arts of dance and music. The Maya had a variety of musical instruments including wind instruments, drums, and rattles. Some of the more complex instruments were reserved for the elite. The Maya used stucco plaster to create large masks and portraits of both the gods and the kings. The kings would often commission a work of art to commemorate events in their lives. The city of Palenque is often considered the artistic capital of the Maya civilization. It wasn't a big or powerful city, but some of the finest Maya art has been found within this city.
The Maya used masks for a variety of reasons and occasions. These included: - to decorate the faces of the dead - to be worn at important events - to be worn during battle
They were worn for one of two reasons: Some Mayan masks were worn in battle. They were usually carved from wood or stone. They were worn for one of two reasons: To protect the wearer during battle To intimidate the enemy
The importance of the masks dictated how intricate the designs were. The most sacred Mayan masks featured complex and delicate mosaics made out of jade. Other materials used were stone, wood, gold, shell and obsidian (a hard, dark, glass-like volcanic rock)
Other masks were designed to be worn during important events such as weddings and birth ceremonies. These masks often depicted gods or animals. These masks used amazing designs with bright, vibrant colours painted onto wooden surfaces.
Death masks were the most sacred and elaborate. These masks used a mosaic pattern of the Jade stone. The funeral masks protected the individual while descending into the underworld "Xibalba“.
It’s your turn…. Using the photos on the previous slide as inspiration, design a Mask in the style of the Maya people. Design something that is meaningful to you. What is its purpose? What does its design and decoration symbolize? How is the mask a reflection of you and/or your life?