SCIENCE OLYMPIAD New Providence Middle School's Science Olympiad team wrapped up their very successful year 2 weeks back at Morris Essex county college in the state finals. After placing third in the Union County competition, they were invited to compete in the state competition. Students competed against the best of the best in multiple events related to science. " It is a great experience and I am glad to have had the opportunity to compete," said Garrett Pope, one of the team members who placed in the state finals. Other team members including Laila Stedman, Johnny Shahpazian, Rohan Mallya, Colin Forbes, Mark Vandermewre, Peter House, Cindy Weng, Saad Kahn, Mingyao Xiao, and many others earned the opportunity to bring home a winning medal. Experimental Design - 4th place Students: Ivan Wolanski, Laila Stedman, and Rohan Mallya Forestry - 3rd place Students: Cindy Wang, Annie Zhou Helicopters - 4th place Students: Peter House, Johnny Shahpazian Keep the Heat - 6th place Students: Tim Charatan, Annie Zhou Microbe Mission - 8th place Students: Mingyao Xiao and Cindy Wang Meteorology - 1st place Students: Mingyao Xiao and Rohan Mallya Optics - 7th place Students: Kevin Dakow, Laila Stedman Picture This - 6th place Students: Garrett Pope, Colin Forbes, Mark Van Der Merwe Water Quality - 8th place Students: Laila Stedman, David Hau