Concrete actions for improving cooperation with countries Item 4.3 on the agenda P. Jacques – ESTAT B2 Methodology and Research 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Summary – ESSnet projects Background Concepts Criteria (current) Examples in the ESS Preparing ESSnets Support 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Background Sep 2002, DGINS Palermo meeting: Need to find synergies, harmonisation and dissemination of best practices in the ESS Creation of Cenex « centres and networks of excellence » Feb 2005, SPC meeting Launching of Cenex pilots SDC ‘Statistical Disclosure Control’ ISAD ‘use of administrative and statistical data’ Hedonic prices Feb 2008, SPC meeting Procedure for implementing ESSnet projects Launching the ESSnet exercise for 2008 May 2008, May 2009, May 2010 ESSnet action plan presented to ESSC 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Concepts Idea: « A few countries, interested in a specific domain, actively collaborate to its development and disseminate the results to those not participating; the actions supported by the ESSnet shall serve the interests of the whole ESS while in line with the 5-year statistical programme » Funding: Each member (of which one coordinator) + the Commission (Eurostat) must contribute Financial instrument for Eurostat is: FPA ‘Framework Partnership Agreement’ (~4 years) Multi-beneficiary grant (~2 years) Normally 70% co-financing, possibly up to 90%, a few improvement proposed for 2011 onwards 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Concepts Benefits for the ESS: Resource savings Sharing expertise Better quality More harmonisation Outstanding problems: Additional administrative burden, especially for the coordinating member, under discussions after ESSnet workshop of 31/5-1/6 in Stockholm Participation of each individual member with in mind the benefit of the whole ESS Dissemination of results and their exploitation by the whole ESS 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Criteria An ESSnet project … Involves several partners and disseminates results to non participating NSAs Focuses on issues that answer a European interest Is compatible with the 5-year work programme Is cost-effective (enough financial investment, no duplication) Promotes knowledge sharing, innovation and harmonisation Is sustainable (beyond its duration, also at national level) Is carried out by ESS organisations 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
(current) Examples in the ESS Follow-up of Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) EC Financing 70%: 450,000 € Partner countries: NL(C), IT, UK, DE, SE, SI, AT, PT, NO, LU, HU, BG Started 01/01/08 for 2 years Decentralised access to micro data EC Financing 70%: 170,000 € Partner countries: DE (C), NL, IT, HU, UK, DE(LDS-NRW) Started 01/02/09 for 1 year EuroGroups registers (EGR) EC Financing 70%: 1,000,000 Partner countries: IT (C), EE, NL, UK Started 7/10/2008 for 4 years EU-SILC: advanced analysis EC Financing 90%: 400,000 € Partner countries: LU (C), CZ, FI, AT, NO, UK, IT, EE Started 1/12/2008 for 2 years SMDX EC Financing 80%: 500,000 € Partner countries: P (C), IT, LV, SK, ES, SE Started 29/09/2009 for 18 months Common Reference Architecture (CORA) EC Financing 70%: 250,000 € Partner countries: I (C), DA, SE, LV, CH, NO, NL Started 8/10/2009 for 10 months 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Overview 2009 and beyond BE BG CZ DK DE EE IE EL ES FR IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL NO AT PL PT RO SI SK FI SE CH UK 01 Hedonic Prices 05 Handbook on Data Quality Assessment 06 SDC - Phase 1 Edimbus Flash Estimation CENEX Statistical Methodology - ISAD 2 SDC - Phase 2 EU-SILC EuroGroups registers (EGR) 8 Decentralised Access to Microdata Small Area Estimation (SAE) Data integration (DI) Common reference architecture (CORA) SDMX GEOSTAT 1A 9 Culture Statistics Partnership Health (PH) MEETS - Use of administrative and accounts data (AdminData) MEETS - Profiling 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Overview of new projects for 2010 BE BG CZ DK DE EE IE EL ES FR IT CY LV LT LU HU MT NL NO AT PL PT RO SI SK FI SE CH UK MEETS - Methodology for modern business statistics To be defined Standardisation and the integration of statistical processes in the ESS Cooperative Development and Innovation in Data Analysis for production of ESS statistics Common tools and harmonised methodology for SDC in the ESS Decentralised and remote access to confidential data in the ESS Common reference environment (CORE) SDMX GEOSTAT 1B Lifelong learning accounts Automated Data Collection and Reporting in Accommodation Statistics MEETS Linking of micro data on ICT usage MEETS - Consistency MEETS Micro-data linking and data warehousing in statistical production KEY Interested Coordinator Interested Co-partner 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Situation in March 2010 2008 2009 - 2010 Total Finished projects Follow-up SDC Decentralised Access MEETS EGR (phase 1) 3 Running projects EU-SILC Partnership Health MEETS Admin Data (phase 1) CORA SDMX Small Area Estimation Data Integration Culture Statistics GEOSTAT 1A MEETS EGR (phase 2) MEETS profiling (phase 1) 11 Projects under preparation CORE Data Analysis Remote Access Accommodation Statistics Standardisation (phase 1) Harmonised methodology for SDC MEETS micro-data linking for ICT (phase 1) MEETS EGR (phase 3) MEETS Admin Data (phase 2) MEETS profiling (phase 2) SDMX II Geostat 1B EU-SILC II 13 Cancelled projects Agri-Environment Material Flow Accounts Development of heat pumps statistics Projects postponed to 2010 Life Long Learning Accounts MEETS consistency (Phase 1) MEETS Methodology (Phase 1) MEETS micro-data linking and data warehousing (Phase 1) 4 17 34 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Overview of projects for 2011 Continuation of previous ESSnets GEOSTAT II -Integration of Census 2010/11 data into the EU population grid map ESSnet-culture Automated Data Collection and Reporting in Accommodation Statistics (Tourism Stats) Standardisation and the integration of statistical processes in the ESS MEETS - Consistency of concepts and methods of business-related statistics MEETS -Micro data linking and data warehousing in statistical production) MEETS - Use of administrative and accounts data for business statistics (AdminData) MEETS -Profiling of large and complex Multinational Enterprise Groups New ESSnets European Socio-economic Classification (ESEC) Data collection on land use and land cover MEETS - Measuring Global Value Chains 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Preparing ESSnets Mechanisms for developing an ESSnet programme: ESSnet projects content discussed and elaborated in WGs and sector groups until January n-1, identification in WGs and SGs of MS interested to join the ESSnet partnership. Eurostat to develop the yearly ESSnet plan of activities. Eurostat to include the ESSnet plan in Work Programme year n Eurostat to present it to the May n-1 SPC for discussion. Eurostat units to include ESSnet projects in Financing Decision year n. Eurostat units to finalise the technical specifications for ESSnet projects ESSnet restricted call for proposals to be launched once FD adopted. Detailed technical proposals for the retained ESSnet projects sent by coordinators to Eurostat Eurostat to evaluate these proposals: accept, reject or request improvements. Eurostat to prepare the contract (Multi-beneficiary Grant Agreement /Framework Partnership Agreement) and start the project 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics Support Information Helpdesk ESSnet training sessions Roma : 9/10/2009 Madrid: 26-27/10/09 Stockholm: 18-19/11/09 More to come in 2010 ESSnet workshop 31/5-1/6 2010 in Stockholm 2011 under preparation 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics
Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 7 June 2010 Working Party Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics