Inclusive Learning in our Schools and Community The District Learning Support team and the school based inclusive learning teams are rich with expertise, knowledge, experience and passion. We share a common goal and we are continuing to build a common vision on how we can work together to provide supports for students and families in our elementary schools.
Learning Support Plan Goal 1 Provide meaningful and purposeful educational opportunities for vulnerable students with diverse needs while considering the physical, social-emotional and academic domains.
Goal 1 – examples of school and district teams Classroom Teacher Learning Support Teacher School Counsellor Youth and Family Counsellor Educational Assistant Speech and Language Pathologist School Psychologist School Based Team District Based Team Behaviour Support Consultant District Behaviour Support Teacher District Learning Support Teacher Teacher for the Visually Impaired Teacher for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Calming spaces with calming tools Silent bikes Fidgets Self Regulation and Mindfulness
Goal 2 Support the mental health needs and well-being of all students within an inclusive learning model. Goal 2 from the Learning Support Plan: We know that students are presenting with mental health concerns at a younger age. Supports available in the community are strained and appropriate interventions do not always occur in a preventative and proactive manner. Thus our work in the district to support the mental health needs and well being of all students, staff and families continues to be a focus.
Examples of current district initiatives to support Goal 2 Social Emotional Wellness Advocate Safe contact – SOGI Educating the Heart and Mind Series Childhood Anxiety: Empowering Strategies and Effective Support Mindfulness Training for Teachers Educating the Heart Series – year 2 – Social Emotional Wellbeing advocates – Four sessions – exploring practices that support social-emotional wellbeing and the core competencies, reflecting on current practices and personal competencies that support social emotional skill development, and formulating a plan of action that supports the social-emotional wellbeing of students and staff
Different Models of Support We have explored three different possibilities to support students and their families in elementary schools Base + Model Whole School Inclusive Service Delivery Model Profile Block Funding
Base + Model A base level of support is provided to every school and additional levels of support is provided based on the diverse needs of the school.
Elementary Counselling example Base + Elementary Counselling example
Profile Block Funding Level 3 funding for students with Intensive Behaviour Intervention/Serious Mental Illness will be provided without the requirement to prepare and submit a file. Elementary counsellors and Learning Support Teachers will now have more time to support the students.
Discover, Dream, Design, Destiny DISCOVER: What are the bright spots to support all of our students? DREAM: What would a leading practice inclusive school look like? DESIGN: What supports need to be in place in order to achieve the vision?
Discover, Dream, Design, Destiny session What are the bright spots in your journey to create a more inclusive learning community? Creating conversations/working together towards solutions Gender Identity and Gender Expression progress Open and Honest Conversations Using/modeling the language of Inclusion Our students are ready for Inclusion EA/Teacher/Parents are working on what will fit for all of our students Tailored student programs All stakeholders on the team
What would leading practice look like? Enough support for all students Pro D/training Co-planning time Differentiation is proactive Support is not just individual support for a student – it’s about building capacity of professionals Reframe spaces in our schools Student voice is evident in planning and programming
What supports need to be in place in order to achieve the vision? Create better and more seamless connections with community agencies Support for parents to help navigate the medical system Wrap around support for children to support our SBT Time for our support staff to be involved in the planning Facilitate and Encourage parents to participate Time for reflection Need to fund students according to their needs and abilities, not their designation Flexible, staffed space
Discover, Dream, Design, Destiny DISCOVER: What are the bright spots to support all of our students? DREAM: What would a leading practice inclusive school look like? DESIGN: What supports need to be in place in order to achieve the vision?
Next steps