*hw/hw log/Unit 4 Test- answer questions Obj: SWBAT practice and review Geometry concepts, specifically VDOE constructions Warm-Up: Checkpoint G.12 *hw/hw log/Unit 4 Test- answer questions Homework (day 33) 2nd NW Packet: (1, 2, 12-14, 17, 18, 27-37, 56, 57, 70-72, 76-83) Please make sure you have taken the two surveys Pearsonsuccess (due Friday)
Extra Credit 2nd Nine Weeks Benchmark 2- online extra credit will close on January 16th (If you would like it to count, please give me a piece of paper with your name, block and tell me you want me to enter your Benchmark 2 into HAC)
Laptops/Cows www.doe.Virginia.gov/ (VDOE constructions) http://www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/sol/practice_ite ms/index.shtml www.mathopenref.com (construction video’s) Storybook: “Geometry Websites” www.khanacademy.org