Topic 1 SWOT Analysis Strategic planning Mission and objectives of an NSI Current situation: SWOT Analysis Exercise: SWOT analysis for your NSI
The Moves We Make To Get From What is Strategy? Its purpose is to “Close the Gap” between Strategy Present State Desired State Where We Want To Be Where We Are Now The Moves We Make To Get From
What is strategic management? “A set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of an organisation” (Robbins & Coulter, Management - 7th edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.) Strategy has a long-run timeframe. Reflects the mission (or purpose) of the organisation Identifies major objectives and how to achieve them Change is incremental and iterative Plan, Implement, Evaluate ...
Stands the tests of time skills we have available Good Strategy: 7 R’s Results Gets us where we want to be - with measurable performance Responsive To changes along the way - tweaking Resilient Stands the tests of time & changes/obstacles met along the way Revisable Avoids premature lock-in GOOD STRATEGY The 7 R‘s Relevant Geared to the business we wish to be in & customer needs Resourceable In terms of resources & skills we have available OR can acquire Radiant Shared goals & buy-in by workforce
Strategic Alignment – 9 S’s Structure How people are organized to do the work Sensing How the organisation scans its environment (SWOT) Systems Information: how it is created, stored, shared Shared Values Values espoused & practiced in the organisation Strategy Mission & goals of the organisation Style Culture - how the organisation is led Skills Competencies and skills needed to run the organisation efficiently Sending Delivery system of the organisation Staff The type of people who work in the organisation
Role of SWOT Analysis in Strategic Planning Identifying the factors which will shape the corporate strategy.
Mission and objectives of an NSI (1) Complex operating environment National users of statistics (customers / stakeholders) Role of NSI in democratic system - information about performance of government - Information for society International users and comparisons International standards (UN, EU, IMF etc.) Legal / institutional basis for an NSI Principles and Core Values (independence, objectivity, statistical confidentiality, etc.)
Mission and objectives of an NSI (2) Delivery of existing statistics Meeting new expectations - New surveys - Faster results - Information society (publication on www) Standards - Technical - classifications etc. - Customer service - Quality control (TQM) Ensuring role of the NSI is recognised - UN fundamental principles - Gaining support for allocation of resources: Finance, Personnel, Technology
Internal resources: Strengths and Weaknesses Some items for consideration: Staff - Technical Skills, Knowledge, Competencies, Experience, Commitment, Loyalty Financial resources Use of information technology Legal / institutional status of the NSI Strengths or Weaknesses?
External environment: Opportunities and Threats Some items for consideration: Public service rules - finance, recruitment, etc Media coverage of statistics Competitors - Are there other producers of statistics? Survey respondents Information Technology International contacts (EU, other NSIs, etc.) Opportunities or Threats?
Topic 1 - Exercise: Please make a preliminary SWOT analysis for your office. Please include 2-3 items under each heading in the Matrix below