Rabbit gastrointestinal physiology


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Presentation transcript:

Rabbit gastrointestinal physiology Ron Rees Davies, BVSc, CertZooMed, MRCVS, Jennifer A.E Rees Davies, BVSc, MSc, MRCVS  Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice  Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 139-153 (January 2003) DOI: 10.1016/S1094-9194(02)00024-5

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the anatomy of the alimentary tract of the rabbit. (From Harcourt-Brown F. Textbook of rabbit medicine. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2002, with permission.) Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice 2003 6, 139-153DOI: (10.1016/S1094-9194(02)00024-5)

Fig. 2 An overview of the activity of the digestive system of the rabbit. (Adapted from Harcourt-Brown F. Textbook of rabbit medicine. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2002, with permission.) Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice 2003 6, 139-153DOI: (10.1016/S1094-9194(02)00024-5)