KS3 Literacy pyramids Planning
Experiments Questions? Topics colours I need to find out finishes It is important to plan before you try to complete any practical work. You may also need to plan out experiments you need to conduct before completing your design work. Questions? Topics To be able to find something out you first need to ask a question. To discover the answer you might use an experiment. Here are some ways to start questions. You might look into some of the following areas. This list is not exhaustive and is just to start you thinking about what you wish to find out. colours I need to find out finishes To understand how processes using heat Which material is best at mechanical parts To create the best finish materials strength How much( ) will I need? weight output Will ( ) be strong enough for joining methods methods If I do Before I decide combining materials
Processes Sentence starters Flow charts Can be a good way of writing out a method once you have completed a trial run. It also helps you consider quality assurance and quality control as well as health and safety aspects. Processes Preparation cutting sawing gluing Decision stamping painting heating finishing sanding Process drilling melting burning Terminator polishing casting Sentence starters First I will need to Checking that At this stage I must To complete this step During the process Having measured Whilst waiting I will Is the ( ) satisfactory? Using the To enable this to happen Take the Set up the Now I must
Step by step Processes Health & safety Topics QA & QC Before you have made a product it is essential to try to plan out how you might complete your task. Step by step plans are your thoughts and notions based on previous experience. They can also include diagrams and pictures. All of the same help words can be used as on the rest of this pyramid. Processes Health & safety Topics QA & QC Tools and machinery More useful words accurate organise measurement clean smooth accounting repeat prepared estimate ensure wasting bending moulding pouring mixing stirring drying perfect waterproof shiny soaking brush control analyse table chart expected unexpected alter graph results devise outcome conclude insert
Technical terms Tools and machinery Health & safety QA & QC It is important to use the correct words for the subject you are writing about. Tools and machinery Pillar drill Lathe Band facer Wet and dry paper Tenon saw Gerbil Vacuum former Abrasive paper Line bender Pewter caster oven Jigsaw / scroll saw Pyrography pen Coping saw Marking gauge Health & safety QA & QC Consider how you will keep yourself and other safe whilst completing your work. Consider how you will make sure of the quality of your product and how you will assess this. Goggles Hair tied Apron Measurements Jigs Checks Guards Masks Gloves Sourcing of materials CAD/CAM Heat protection Tool storage Sampling ICT Use of machinery Correct training Template Former/Mould Testing