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State and Local Government Jeopardy State and Local Government Foreign and Domestic Media and Elections The Supreme Court Could Be Anything 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL

What is a governor and a mayor? State and Local 100 Who is the executive leader of a state and a city? What is a governor and a mayor?

What is True? State and Local 200 True or False: Police and Law Enforcement are overseen by local governments What is True?

Who are the citizens of that state? State and Local 500 Who ratifies amendments for state constitutions Who are the citizens of that state?

What is the Declaration of Rights? State and Local 300 What is the section that lays out the civil liberties of the people called in the Florida Constitution What is the Declaration of Rights?

What is Education? State and Local 400 What power is overseen by the state governments, but is usually carried out by local government What is Education?

Define Foreign and Domestic What is outside of the country for federal and in the country for domestic?

What is national security? Foreign and Domestic 200 What is the main goal of US foreign policy What is national security?

What is domestic policy? Foreign and Domestic 300 The government wants to make sure students are learning what they should be to compete with other civilized nations, so it requires standardized testing in certain grades is an example of what type of policy What is domestic policy?

What is World War I? Foreign and Domestic 400 The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to the start of this war What is World War I?

What is the Cold War? Foreign and Domestic 500 The Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs Invasion, and Cuban Missile Crisis were all events that took place during this conflict for world supremacy What is the Cold War?

What is Republican and Democrat? Media and Elections 100 Which political party is conservative and which is liberal in their political beliefs What is Republican and Democrat?

Propaganda uses what to influence people? Media and Elections 200 Propaganda uses what to influence people? What is Bias?

What is the Republican Party? Media and Elections 400 This political party is for increased military spending and less money used for social programs. What is the Republican Party?

Super PAC’s main resource to influence elections Media and Elections 300 Super PAC’s main resource to influence elections What is money?

Describe the relationship between media and politicians Media and Elections 500 Describe the relationship between media and politicians What is media gets the politicians message out, but also can criticize or expose wrongdoing?

What is Judicial Review? The Supreme Court 100 Allows the supreme court to review cases to determine constitutionality What is Judicial Review?

What is Tinker v. Des Moines? The Supreme Court 200 Case dealing with protecting free speech for students What is Tinker v. Des Moines?

What is the right to council (lawyer)? The Supreme Court 300 Gideon v. Wainwright provides this 6th amendment protection What is the right to council (lawyer)?

What is In re Gault? The Supreme Court 500 A sixteen year old is accused of a crime and is forced to confess their guilt. This supreme court case would allow the case to be thrown out. What is In re Gault?

What are poll taxes? The Supreme Court 400 During many of the trials of the Civil Rights era, the Supreme Courts decisions helped lead to the outlawing of this in the 24th amendment. What are poll taxes?

The use of nuclear bombs ended which conflict. Could Be Anything 100 The use of nuclear bombs ended which conflict. What is World War II?

What is the International Red Cross? Could Be Anything 400 A tsunami destroys many towns and villages in Japan. This organization would be in charge of responding to the disaster. What is the International Red Cross?

What are trial, appeals (appellate), and supreme court? Could Be Anything 200 These are the three levels of courts in the US judicial system What are trial, appeals (appellate), and supreme court?

These are the requirements to become a naturalized citizen of the US. Could Be Anything 300 These are the requirements to become a naturalized citizen of the US. What are 1) living in the US for 5 yrs, 2)being able to speak, write, read basic english, 3) Pass a history/civics test, 4) Be of good moral character(pass an interview)?

What does the image depict? Could Be Anything 500 What does the image depict? What is diplomacy?

FINAL JEOPARDY! Who influenced the bolded section: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.