French, Dutch & English Explorers
French Explorers In 1534, Jacques Cartier made the 1st of ____ voyages to Canada. He sailed up the St. Lawrence River and claimed the lands that are now ________________ for France. Notes will cover Cartier’s 3 voyages to Canada with a portrait of Cartier and then the map of his voyages will be revealed.
Dutch Explorers Oliver van Noort circumnavigated the globe in __________. In 1602, the Dutch East India Company was set up and soon controlled the _____________ trade in Southeast Asia. What does it mean to circumnavigate? To sail completely around the world Who was the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe? Magellan’s crew
English Explorers English rulers gave explorers letters patent, which were official papers that gave them the authority to explore and ____________ lands for England. English ships were small, fast and easy to manoeuvre, so it was easy for them to attack & rob the _____________ treasure ships returning from the “New” World. What do we usually call someone who attacks and robs ships? Pirate English pirates were nicknamed “Sea Dogs” and their actions were supported by British monarchs who wanted to get rich from the gold
English Explorers In 1497, John Cabot sailed west to ________________ Canada. Other explorers like William Baffin and Martin Frobisher looked for a Northwest Passage to _______________. Francis Drake became the first ___________ person to circumnavigate the globe. Other British sea captains, like John Hawkins, were ___________ traders. Northwest Passage is important vocabulary. Explorers hoped a Northwest Passage either north around Canada or through Canada using lakes and rivers would result in a short journey to Asia. Francis Drake was also a pirate who robbed Spanish ship and towns during his voyages.