What is the Association for Learning Environments? We are unique! Our principal purpose is improving the places where children learn. We embrace a diverse community of more than 4,800 professionals with one single goal – building healthy, safe and resilient 21st century learning environments. The Association for Learning Environments believes that: Facilities impact the learning, development and behavior of the facility user; The planning process is essential for quality facilities; Sharing and networking improves the planning process; and There is a standard by which to measure. Enhancing the Educational Experience
What can A4LE do for you? Networking and establishing professional relationships with colleagues worldwide. Share best practices with fellow members. Participate in a variety of professional development opportunities. Make your voice heard through communities, E-Groups and blogs. Access our job board, members' directory and other resources vital to your professional growth. Present at seminars, conferences and webinars. Contribute to the A4LE past presentation library. Maintain real world competencies through accredited programs and international awards as well as the premier accreditation of the profession, Accredited Learning Environment Planner (ALEP).
Over 4,800 Members in 4 Membership Categories Corporate: tiered rates for companies/private corporations Individual: Architects, Engineers, Planners, who are not Institutional category Institutional: School District/ Gov. Agency. Primary members and associate members Student: High School, University students **all memberships are based on the individual, corporations and school districts are not members, the individuals assigned are the members.
Chapter Community XXXX Chapter. Local people talking about Local challenges and opportunities The Learning Space is Vitally Important! We are making generational decisions!! Our Learning Spaces Matter! Schools First!!! Great, Safe, Exceptional Schools start with open dialog and deliberate planning!
Chapter Community Events! Our Chapter is a community, and we want to get together and build relationships Collaboration. Connect and collaborate with other decision makers, planners and experts. Professional Development. Meetings, conferences, seminars and resources to make us all better at what we do, benefiting our schools and our communities
What does Your Chapter Do? Support the mission of greater A4LE organization while focusing on local issues. Share info through the annual conference, and support members to attend region and international conferences (scholarships).
What does Your Chapter Do? LEsolutions Award Lifetime Achievement Award SchoolsNEXT Student Design Competition
Regional Community 7 Regions that were formed around geographic proximities. The XXXXX Region includes chapters in XXXXXXXX Each Region operates with a degree of autonomy, so there are differences. We learn from one another!
This graphic comes from the membership reports each month, please be sure to replace with the most current graphic.
Regional Community- con’t Regional Board is made up of President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary/Treasurer and Governors/Presidents from each Chapter. An A4LE staff person is assigned to be our Member Care Manager. The Regional Board selects a SchoolsNext and a Membership Chair. Our Region organizes a conference each year, generally in Spring/early Summer.
Global Community Governance by a 13 member Board of Directors Professional staff that works closely with all Chapters LearningSCAPES Conference 2018 Chicago, IL October 31- November 4 Awards Program LEsolutions Awards Leadership and Service Awards Education Suite Advanced Academy Certification (ALEP) Webinars SchoolsNEXT Student design and planning process competition
Website: www.a4le.org REGIONS & CHAPTERS LEARNING STUDIO PROGRAMS & AWARDS Sign in/Create Account (you can create a customer account )
Association for Learning Environments Headquarters Office Association for Learning Environments 11445 E. Via Linda, Ste 2-440, Scottsdale, Arizona 85259 P: +1 480.391.0840 W: www.a4le.org Your Region / Chapter Member Care Manager: Enter the name, phone & email of your MCM on staff