April 11th, 2014 Click to Add Subtitle
Advanced Physics Starter: get out calculator and learning target sheet Unit 9 Learning Check #2 analysis Small group practice: (for points, make sure I check you off as you complete each set) Set 2: pg. 756 (10, 11, 13) Set 3: pg. 172 (42, 45, 46, 47)
Advanced Physics Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 Donna Brad Jesse Kim Christian Gage Meagan Ashley B Michaela Austin Kayla Becky Dakota Brian Bo Miranda Claar Antonia 7 8 9 10 Ashley T Conner Zack Johnny Destiny Hannah Paige Kelsey Chaylen Whitney Courtney
2nd Period Chemistry I Starter: get out writing utensil Today’s learning targets: 6 Learning Check New skill: Using the “Mole Concept” map 10-2 Practice problems “Changing Roads”
Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD Today’s learning targets: all Mars exam: good luck! Post test – learning target sheet Column “Look Back” Continue Roving Mars
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out your writing utensil (calculator is optional) Today’s learning targets: review all Exam: good luck! Post test: learning target sheet Column “Look Back” SMQ, if time permits
The text claims that the moon is falling around Earth The text claims that the moon is falling around Earth. Explain what this means. How is tangential velocity related to this? Why doesn't the moon collide with Earth?
AP Chemistry Daily Weekly Starter: show me wkst 35; get out lecture 37 Wkst 36 due Tuesday Continue lecture 37 Begin wkst 37 Chem days: T and Th
7th Period Chemistry I Starter: get out writing utensil GIVE OUT REPORT CARDS! Today’s learning targets: 6 Learning Check New skill: Using the “Mole Concept” map 10-2 Practice problems “Changing Roads”
SLC: Math Compass prep New skill: Solving systems of equations Substitution Elimination Zoom math
SLC: AP Chem Thermochemistry multiple choice questions