Solving Systems of Three Equations Algebra II with Trigonometry Mrs. Stacey
Essential Stuff Essential Question Essential Vocabulary How do you solve systems of three equations? Essential Vocabulary System of Equations Substitution and Elimination
Coordinate Plane to 3D The coordinate plane (with the x and y axis) is a two dimensional plane. In other words, it is a flat surface. Coordinate space is made up of the x and y axes and another axis called the z axis.
Ordered Triplets Points in coordinate space with x, y, and z coordinates are called ordered triplets. The point (1, 4, 7) means 1 on x axis, 4 along y axis, and 7 in third dimension (z axis).
Systems of Three Equations Solution to a system of three equations is an ordered triplet. We can use substitution or elimination to solve a system of three equations.
Homework Homework 3.4: Solving Systems of Three Equations