HR Technology Support – EIB Training Licenses/Certification, Education and Professional Dates HR Technology and Workforce Analytics March 21, 2018
Agenda Reflection Start Recording of training What is an EIB and Custom Object? Sample Templates Workday Configuration Values Reviewing the Templates Demo Q&A ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Reflection Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’m Possible! Audrey Hepburn ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
What Is an EIB Enterprise Interface Builder – is a Workday customized Excel document in an .xml format. These templates are used to automatically complete a transaction event. ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
What Is a Custom Object EIB It is a customized Excel document in an .xml format. Unlike Workday delivered templates, these templates were customized in Workday to load specific data on an employee record and there is NOT a validation mode. The values are predetermined and must be loaded base on the configuration. You cannot alter the template or use other values that have not been designed for the template. ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Sample Templates Licenses/Certification Education Professional Dates ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Custom Configuration Values Licenses/Certification List Education List ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Reviewing the Templates – License and Certification – Processing Instructions B – Spreadsheet Key ID – sequential numbering to identify each employee record C – Worker ID Employee ID is used in the field E - ID (required field) – these numbers will indicate the number of rows of data you are loading for the employee (i.e. 3 certifications 1,2,3; 2 certifications 1,2) G - ID (required field) ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Reviewing the Template – License and Certification J – Certification ID This is the reference ID provide on the list of licenses and certifications. The value must be exactly as provided on the list. O – Issue Date (optional) P – Expiration Date (optional) ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Reviewing the Templates – Education – Processing Instructions B – Spreadsheet Key ID – sequential numbering to identify each employee record C – Worker ID Employee ID is used in the field; G - ID (required field) – these numbers will indicate the number of rows of data you are loading for the employee (i.e. 3 certifications 1,2,3; 2 certifications 1,2) L – School Name (i.e. University of Michigan) M – School Type (i.e. University) P – Degree Completed (i.e. 2007) R – Field of Study ID (i.e. Human Resources) S – Grade Average (i.e. 3.7) ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Reviewing the Template – Professional Experience Dates ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Reviewing the Template – Tips Location for templates Unfortunately, the HR Production Resources site will not accept templates in .xml format. Until we find a central location for all of the templates, please reach out directly for a template. The template must remain in an .xml format to load ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Workday Once you have populated the template; you will launch the EIB Integration in Workday. Go to the search box and type “Launch” and choose Launch/Schedule Integration Next you will search for the applicable integration (the latest version will ALWAYS be created by someone on the HR Tech Team) Select License/Certification, Education or Professional Dates ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Workday Go to Create Integration Attachment to retrieve your template ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Workday Go to Select Files to retrieve your template ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Workday Attach the file and click OK ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Workday You absolutely should always launch the EIB in Validation mode initially and until you have corrected all errors After attaching the file; go to Validation Mode Only and select the drop down and change to Specify Value and check the value box as indicated below and click OK ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Workday You will click the Refresh button until the Percent Complete reaches 100% ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Workday If you receive this error below, it is because you have most likely added an additional Sheet to the template ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB in Validation Mode Once the event reaches 100%, scroll to the bottom to check your processing history and/or errors. Open the failure report to review errors. Continue in validation mode until all errors have been removed. ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Launching the EIB Successfully Once the event reaches 100%, scroll to the bottom of the page to view the Integration successfully loaded all records ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI
Q&A Ellen to facilitate Following today’s meeting you will receive this presentation and the link to the recording ©2014 Trinity Health - Livonia, MI