Rab22A regulates melanocyte pigmentation, cargo transport and functions upstream of BLOC‐1 Rab22A regulates melanocyte pigmentation, cargo transport and functions upstream of BLOC‐1 BF and IFM images of control and Rab22A‐depleted melanocytes. The colocalization coefficient (r, in mean ± SEM) between the two markers indicated separately. Nuclei are stained with Hoechst 33258.Graph represents the quantified melanin content in control sh, Rab22A sh and BLOC‐1− melanocytes. n = 3. The fold change in melanin content (mean ± SEM) indicated separately. ***P ≤ 0.001 (unpaired Student's t‐test).Immunoblotting analysis of proteins in control sh and Rab22A sh melanocytes.EM of control and Rab22A‐knockdown MNT‐1 melanocytes. Arrowheads indicate PMEL fibrils. Scale bars: 1 μm. I, II, III, IV: stages of melanosomes. M: mitochondria. Magnified view of insets is shown separately, and they emphasize the stage I melanosomes in both conditions. Note: the presence of hybrid stage I/II melanosomes in Rab22A‐knockdown cells. Insets (b–d) and (g, h) are from different cells of respective condition. Scale bars: 200 nm.BF and IFM images of GFP‐Rab22A‐transfected BLOC‐1−(Mu) melanocytes.Immunoblotting analysis of proteins in BLOC‐1− and BLOC‐1R melanocytes.Data information: In (A, E), arrows indicate the melanocyte pigmentation and arrowheads point to the localization of TYRP1/GFP‐Rab22A. Scale bars: 10 μm. In (C, F), protein band intensities were quantified and indicated on the gels. *, non‐specific bands. Saurabh Shakya et al. EMBO Rep. 2018;embr.201845918 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend