The protective effect of sunscreens, vitamin E 6% cream, and betamethasone 0.1% cream on solar-simulating radiation-induced erythema and neutrophil influx 


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The protective effect of sunscreens, vitamin E 6% cream, and betamethasone 0.1% cream on solar-simulating radiation-induced erythema and neutrophil influx  Feiko Rijken, MD, PhD, Ilse C. Bihari, BSc, Kees L.H. Guikers, BSc, Huib van Weelden, MSc, Piet L.B. Bruijnzeel, MD, PhD  Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology  Volume 68, Issue 3, Pages 512-513 (March 2013) DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2012.10.012 Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 Effect of sunscreens, topical vitamin E, and topical betamethasone-valerate on solar-simulating radiation (SSR)-induced erythema and neutrophil influx. A, Skin of healthy volunteers (n = 6, mean age 26 years, skin phototype [SPT] I-IV) was pretreated with broadband sunscreen sun-protection factor (SPF) 28, vitamin E 6% cream, and betamethasone-valerate 0.1% cream, and exposed to 2 minimal erythema dose [MED] of SSR. At 24 hours after SSR exposure erythema was quantified using a chromameter and biopsy specimens were taken from pretreated, nonirradiated control, and irradiated control sites. Neutrophil influx was quantified by counting immunohistochemically stained neutrophil elastase–positive cells in an area below and parallel to the dermoepidermal junction. Degree of erythema correlated significantly with degree of neutrophil influx (Spearman rank correlation coefficient r = 0.6, P < .05). Broadband agent SPF 28 significantly inhibited SSR-induced erythema and neutrophil influx. Other pretreatments showed no significant protective effect with regard to erythema and neutrophil influx (Kruskal-Wallis test: P < .05). B, Skin of healthy volunteers (n = 8, mean age 23 years, SPT I-III) was pretreated with broadband agent SPF 28, broadband agent SPF 16, ultraviolet (UV)B agent SPF 17, vitamin E 6% cream, betamethasone-valerate 0.1% cream, and vehicle 1 (vehicle of vitamin E), and exposed to 18,000 mJ/cm2 (equivalent to 2-3 MED in SPT I-III) of SSR. Erythema was quantified using a chromameter 24 hours after SSR exposure. All tested sunscreens significantly inhibited SSR-induced erythema. Other pretreatments did not show any significant protective effect with regard to erythema. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2013 68, 512-513DOI: (10.1016/j.jaad.2012.10.012) Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Terms and Conditions

Fig 2 Spectral transmission of products tested. Spectral transmission experiments are a valuable tool to confirm (sunscreens) or exclude (vitamin E and betamethasone) that the effect of particular product on ultraviolet (UV)-induced erythema or neutrophil influx is a result of UV-absorbing properties of that product. A, Spectral transmission of broadband sunscreen agent sun-protection factor (SPF) 16 (green line); broadband agent SPF 28 (purple line); and UVB agent SPF 17 (blue line). All products show clear absorption of wavelengths in UV range and no absorption in visible light range. Broadband agents SPF 16 and 28 absorb both UVA and UVB. UVB agent SPF 17 almost exclusively absorbs in UVB range. B, Spectral transmission of vehicle 1, vehicle of vitamin E (pink line); betamethasone-valerate 0.1% cream (orange line); vitamin E 6% cream (dark blue line); and vehicle 2, vehicle of betamethasone (light blue line). Only very limited absorption of solar-simulating radiation in UVB, UVA, and visible light spectra was observed. SPF of these products is negligible. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2013 68, 512-513DOI: (10.1016/j.jaad.2012.10.012) Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Terms and Conditions