In order to download the full library for H1508645 select the box as shown. For the purposes of just viewing DNC, this will be the only file you will need to select. The box next to the Windows link is the .rtp file, which is not used for viewing DNC, but is only used for updating the library. Do not worry about selecting this file at this time. Once you select the box, you should select the “Download” button at the bottom of the webpage. Proceed to the next slide.
After selecting the “Download” button, you will get this screen After selecting the “Download” button, you will get this screen. The name of the zipped file is shown in blue and it will contain the actual library zip file one downloaded. The zipped file shown in blue is also a packaged zip, meaning that is you select multiple boxes or multiple libraries to download, all of the selected libraries would appear in the box shown below the named zip. Also take notice of the type of file “Full Library”, which is what you want to see in this case as shown in the red oval. As instructed, click the file marked DNCDX015_-_Gulf of, which is circled in Green above. Proceed to the next slide.
There will now be a screen asking “Do you want to Open or Save the file?”. Select the “Save” button. Proceed to the next slide.
After selecting the “save” button, you will be asked where to save it on your computer. Selected is My Documents, but you can save it wherever you want. Select the “Save” button. Proceed to the next screen.
Once you select the “Save” button the zip file will download to the place where you wanted it saved and the screen will say “Download Complete”. You should now go to the selected folder or place to where you saved the file and double click to unzip it. As shown above, you will get the Winzip screen with the actual name of the library you requested. Select the “Extract “ button and select where you want the zip extracted to. Selected here the “My Documents” folder. Proceed to the next slide.
You will now have the file in the “My Documents” folder and you should now double click this zip file and select the ‘Extract” button as indicated in red. Once again you will be asked to save the file to a location. Selected here is the same “My Documents” folder. Proceed to the next slide
Once the is extracted you will see a folder called “dnc15”. This is the “DNC Database Directory. The next slides will give you some explanation of the DNC data and the VPF structure.
If you open the DNC15 folder, there will be the H1508645 folder along with the dht (Database Header Table) and lat (Library Attribute Table). This is the actual library. The next slide will show you the DNC library folder and the coverage it includes.
The DNC library folder includes all of the different coverage, which contain CUL (culture), DQY (Data Quality), ECR (Earth Cover), ENV (Environment), HYD (Hydro), IWY (Inland Waterway), LCR (Land Cover), LIBREF (Library Reference), LIM (Limits), NAV (Navigation), OBS (Obstructions), POR (Port Facilities), REL (Relief), TILEREF (Tile Reference) as well as other files. TILES are defined by 15x15 minutes North/South and East/West. Depending on the geographic extent of the library, there will be a range of 1 to multiple tiles. You can find the tile names inside the DNC Coverage folders and within the tiles is that actual features.