eCASAS Testing Classroom Presentation Winter 2015
eCASAS Testing INSERT DAY, DATE, and TIME Go to INSERT ROOM NUMBER. Please be on time. You do not need to bring any class things (e.g. books, notebook, pencils) to the computer lab. You only need your Student ID Number. -Our class will take the eCASAS test in the Testing Center. We will not use the paper booklets and answer sheets in our classroom. On (INSERT DAY/DATE) at (INSERT TIME), please go directly to (LOCATION). -Do not go to the classroom. We will begin at the computer lab. -Please be on time so that you have enough time to take the test(s). -Please leave books, notebooks, binders, etc. at home. (Evening teachers: If your students are only taking one test, you will have time for class after testing. Please omit.) -You only need to know your SID number. If you do not have an ID card, please talk to me so that I can give your SID number.
eCASAS Testing Turn off your cell phone! The teacher will tell you where to place your personal items in the room. Sit at a computer station. Please do not touch the computer yet! Wait for the teacher to give you instructions. -When you arrive at the lab, please turn off your cell phone. -A teacher will show you where you can place personal items (e.g. purses). -Please sit a computer station, but do not touch the computer. The teacher will give you instructions.
eCASAS Testing Reading Test = 50 minutes Listening Test = approximately 50 minutes You may not leave the testing room during a test. If you need a short break, you must take it between the listening and reading tests. Do not worry if you do not finish the test(s). Many students do not finish. -You will take two tests. OR You will take one test – reading or listening. -You have 50 minutes to take the reading test. After one hour, the test will close. If you do not finish, it is okay. Just relax and do your best! -The listening test lasts approximately 50 minutes. -You should not leave the room during a test (unless there is an emergency). You may take a very short break (5 min.) between the tests if you need to. -If you need help during a test, you can raise your hand, your teacher or a test proctor will help you. They cannot help you with any vocabulary or test questions. They can only help you with a computer problem.
eCASAS Testing To begin a test, click on a button on the test menu: -To begin the test, click on a button on the test menu. -If you are taking two tests, you can take them in any order. It does not matter which one you do first. -Remember to put your headphones on if you are taking the listening test.
eCasas Testing Read the directions. If it is a listening test, you will also hear the directions. Remember to put your headphones on for the listening test. Click the gray arrow when you are ready to start. -You can read and/or listen to the directions first. -You will hear the directions only if you are taking the listening test. This symbol means there is audio. If you do not hear anything, raise your hand and your teacher or the test proctor will help you. -When you are ready to start, click this gray arrow.
eCASAS Testing Practice by answering the practice questions. Listening Practice Practice by answering the practice questions. Click your answer. On practice questions, the test will tell you “correct” or “wrong, try again!”. Reading Practice -You will have one or two practice questions before each section. You will know it is a practice question because it says “practice”. -Choose your answer by clicking in the box. -After you answer each question, click on the black arrow in the lower right corner to go to the next question. -On a practice question only, the test will tell you “correct” or “wrong, try again!’.
eCASAS Testing Click on the text size buttons to make the words or pictures larger. Scroll left & right or up & down if you cannot see the whole reading. -These buttons and bars can help you: --You can click on the text size buttons to make the words or pictures larger. --Remember to scroll left & right or up & down if you cannot see the whole reading. (This is very important if you increase the font size.)
eCASAS Click the arrow to go to the next question. The listening arrow will turn orange when the audio is finished playing. Try not to skip a question. -Always click the arrow to continue to the next question. In the listening test, the arrow will turn orange after the audio has finished playing. -Do not leave any questions blank. If you do not know the answer to a question, choose any answer.
eCASAS Testing On the reading test, you can review any questions. Click on “End Test”. -You will have a chance to review any question at the end of the reading test by clicking on the number that you want to review. -When you are ready, click “End Test”. You cannot go back to the test after you click “End Test”.
eCASAS Testing Click the other test button to begin. -A finished test will be dark. The button will no longer work. -If you have another test to take, you can click the other test button to begin. -After you are finished with all tests, you may leave the computer lab. Don’t forget to pick up any personal items that you have in the back of the room. -Do not turn off the computer. -Please leave the room quietly.
eCASAS Testing Thank you!