Welcome to ELA Curriculum Night. Your Hosts are: Mrs. Busby & Mrs Welcome to ELA Curriculum Night! Your Hosts are: Mrs. Busby & Mrs. Curtin
4th grade JUMP! Increasing stamina Ability to follow multiple step directions Utilize several strategies for problem solving in the classroom, promote independence
Reading Comprehension Literal Comprehension: Right there answers Go back in the text and point to them Underline and number where you found the answer Ex: In the story Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, what did Goldilocks do first in the house?
Reading Comprehension Inferential Comprehension: Think about the situation and what the actions mean Have a thought about what is taking place and support it with evidence of why you think that way. What in the text made you think that? Ex: How is Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear feeling when they came home? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
Homework Expectations First 8 weeks will be writing homework coming home Monday due on Friday. Writing will be linked to the story we read or listen to in class multiple times throughout the week. Students will not need the story to be successful. Prewrite and directions will be done Monday in class. There will be a conventions and writing target at the top of the homework that changes each week. The convention target will be taught throughout the week during writing and we will be looking for it in the homework if applicable.
Buzz Word! Homework Each week with homework will be a Buzz Word sheet. We are working to build vocabulary and understanding of words that are common academic vocabulary. Students are to complete the sheet and return it to share on Friday. They can get the definition from any credible source as long as they are the ones practicing looking it up.
Homework Grading Students will get credit for completing the homework, a score of 1, 2, or 3. On Friday students will peer edit with partners focusing on the convention targets of the past and present. We will also look over the homework checking the target skill. If a student receives a 1 on the homework, we request that it goes home to get a parent signature and is returned.
Communication Each team will send home one weekly e-mail on Friday or Monday about upcoming events and past learning that has taken place. NEW THIS YEAR! – 4th grade website with many resources. Link http://staff.camas.wednet.edu/blogs/gve4thgrade/ If you have a concern about your student or something to share with your child’s teacher, please e-mail both teachers on the team, as we see each student as both of our responsibilities. By including both teachers we can communicate clearly and effectively.
Thank you for coming Questions?