Pressman's definition of "Software Quality" Conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance requirements, explicitly documented development standards, and implicit characteristics that are expected of all professionally developed software. text page 25
McCall's Quality Factors (1977) textbook sections 3.2 - 3.5
Pre-Project SQA What should the developer's look for in the Contract? What is in the contract v. the SRS? Characteristics of a Good SRS. What is in a "Quality Plan".
Formal Inspections Goals of Inspections Inspection process Inspection Meeting Guidelines
Testing Laws of Testing Testing Stages Types of Code Coverage Methods of Integration Testing What are Cognitive Walkthroughs What is regression Testing Not: How to do White Box and Black Box Testing
Misc Purpose and Contents of Work Procedures, Templates, and Checklists What is CAPA, when to do it, how to get data, how to analyze the data.
Config Management Baselines Config change process Features of Good CM Tools
More Misc Objectives of Project Tracking Things to track and how to monitor them Determining the Costs of QA CMM Levels