Conflict defined: Numerous definitions exist! For our purposes “conflict” is: 1) An expressed struggle- The conflict turns from intra-personal to interpersonal.


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Presentation transcript:

Conflict defined: Numerous definitions exist! For our purposes “conflict” is: 1) An expressed struggle- The conflict turns from intra-personal to interpersonal. The other person is made aware of it. 2) Interdependence- Each person’s choices affect the other. 3) Perceived incompatible goals- Topic, Relational, Identity, Process 4) Perceived scarce resources- can be physical, economic, time and/or social consequence(s). Interference- the other is getting in the way of their goal(s)

Metaphors! Take a few minutes to complete this sentence: Conflict is.... After you have decided on a word, or phrase, explain why you used the specific metaphor you selected.

Metaphors of Conflict Win-Lose: One person wins, the other loses Neutral or objective: Not positive or negative, but having some potential for a positive outcome. Transformative: Understanding that conflict can be an opportunity for positive change.

Mediation: A third party helps the disputants negotiate an agreement. The mediator has no power to render a decision, or impose a solution. Instead, the mediator helps the parties to work out their differences and construct a mutually acceptable solution.

The Community Mediation Process The Opening ( Welcome everyone and explain the process, introduce the ground rules) Phase One (Storytelling, venting) Phase Two (Facilitating Communication, summarizing, bridge building) Phase Three (Reflection on how far they have come. Prepare them to solve, or manage the conflict) Phase Four (Problem Solving) Help parties develop a mutual resolution

The Mediation Process The Opening Objectives: Develop a positive environment Clarify the purpose, stages and expectations of the process. Develop trust in the mediator and the process. Lay out the ground rules.

The Mediation Process Phase One objectives: Develop a rapport that helps disputants state issues and express feelings. Understand and validate those issues and feelings. Establish a model by showing teamwork, neutrality, and communication. Prepare disputants to communicate directly in Phase 2.

The Mediation Process Phase Two Objectives: Facilitate communication so each person understands how the other experiences the conflict. Maintain an environment that enables the people to work together, communicate, and move forward.

Mediation Process Phase Three Objectives: Help the parties reflect on the work that has occurred during phase 1 and 2. Prepare them to resolve the conflict.

Mediation Process Phase Four Objectives: Help the parties develop a mutual resolution.