Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers TeacherTwins©2014
Warm Up Rational number, integer, whole number Rational number 2) Warm Up Rational number Rational number, integer Rational number Rational number, integer, whole number
Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Flippable Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers Comparing Fractions Comparing Decimals
This number is larger so 9/10 is larger. This number is larger so 9/10 is larger. 30 36 Both products are the same so they are equal. 12 12
< > > > = > ½, 2/3, 5/6 3/8, 2/3, 3/4
Comparing and Ordering Decimals To compare decimals, line up the decimal points and compare the digits from left to right until you find different digits. Example: 0.726 ___ 0.724 the first digit that is different is 6 and 4 6>4 > Practice Use < , > or = to compare. 1). -0.245 _____ 0.124 2). 3.4567 ____ 3.45679 3). -4.56 _____ - 4.57 4). 0.98 ____ 0.980 < < > =
Closure Determine whether the following statement is true or false. Explain your reasoning. A rational number is always an integer.