NEW YORK STATE AMATEUR HOCKEY Body Contact The Right Way to Check There are Three Part to Checking The Core of Hockey Skills Skills in Checking Ethical Code of Conduct Three part to check are physic ability technical skills and ethical judgment The core of Hockey Skills skating stick handling passing receiving shooting and checking Sill of checking skating stick checking containment screening and boxing out pinning taking a check and giving a check
NEW YORK STATE AMAETUR HOCKEY SAFETY and INJURIE Knowing the Potential for Risk and Injuries Knowing the Difference Between a Child and Adult Body Being Aware of The Responsibilities of Coaching a Contact Sport Committing to The Principals of Respect for Your Opponent ,Sportsmanship and Human Values
NEW YORK STATE AMAETUR HOCKEY Developing Checking Skills Positioning and Angling Stick Check Body Contact Body Checking Angling first step is to teach checking is to learn how to control skating and establish position to approach the opponent from an angle that will take away time and space Stick checking the second step is to effectively use the stick for poking and sweeping lifting or locking the opponents stick. Body contact the third step is to use the body to block the opponents way or take away his skating lane. The correct stance and his effective use of leg strength are important parts of this technique body checking the fourth and final step is the actual body contact this step includess the teaching techniques to give and receive a body check safely Teaching points Angling fore-checking when the puck carrier come from behind the net be slightly behind the opponent until they clear the net 1 quick acceleration is important once the puck carrier is contained 2 continue skating when making body contact with the puck carrier
NEW YORK STATE AMATEUR HOCKEY OFF ICE TRAINING Balance and Power Body Checking Techniques Taking A Check Competitive and Reactive Drills Warm ups to include shoulder preparation B&P tripod leg drive Thrust war Body checking foot ball check (front check) bump power bump pinning and hold the pin competition taking a check board protection push free offensive check and a roll off competitive side check reaction react step forward and check prison breakout and guard a lane. The participates are expected to be able to teach the techniques for delivering a body check, taking and how to give feed back during practice. The participate should be able to safely lead and teach ten different contact drills.