Step 3: Introduce Green Equipment + Supplies William Griffin President, Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc.
Reality Destructive Innovation The Politics of Change Resistance Hidden Benefits
Staying Current Resources Associations Other Google Associations Other Testing, Evaluation and Validation
Tools, Supplies & Equipment Chemicals Engineered Water Electric Hand Dryers At Healthy Schools Campaign we recognize the importance of providing students and staff with the opportunity to learn and work in a place that is healthy and safe. We recognize that how schools are built and maintained contribute to a positive setting for learning and working. We recognize that an institution's approach to cleaning says a lot about how they value students and staff, the communities they are located in,the planet and their sense of connectedness to the broader good and future generations. Green cleaning has been a core part of our program since we were founded over a decade ago.—tell Steve Ashkin story!
Process and Procedures Processes Frequency Prevention
It’s All About the People Training Self Staff Beyond the walls Recognition Opportunities
Making the Most of Conferences Show Floor Work the edges and the small booths International Shows and Why ISSA InterClean RIA Amsterdam Verona Show
Document, Document, Document! Facts and figures validate results Document in writing Lead don’t follow
Watch the Industries you Serve High Tech Health Care Coatings and materials Construction Water
Action Plan What? When? Why? How? Cost?
Thank You William Griffin, President Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc. C-206-849-0179 Copyright © William R. Griffin, Sea. WA. 98198