1/8 & 1/9 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Human Traits Collect HW Genetic Activities Worksheet Genetics Lab Video: Hybrid Animals Video: Private Lives of Plants Text Book Reading: 192 – 194 HW: Reading & Note taking p. 102 – 103 Reminder HW: Science Fair Background due 1/13 & 1/14 (10 Points) Last day to turn in late work for the semester: 1/13 & 1/14
Reflection Prompt: Write 2 differences between DNA and RNA
Last Day to Turn in Latework for this Semester 1/13 & 1/14
DNA vs RNA DNA RNA Copy One Strand Leaves the nucleus Master Copy Two Strands Never leave nucleus Copy One Strand Leaves the nucleus
Mutation nge tein type Mutation means “cha_____” in Latin Mutation can cause a cell to produce an incorrect pro____ during protein synthesis. As a result, the organism’s trait, or pheno____, may be different from what it normally would have been. nge tein type
Hybrid Animals Donkey Horse Mule All male and most female mules are infertile More intelligent than a donkey More endurance than a horse Requires less food than a horse Mule
Ligers = Male Lion + Female Tiger
More Ligers
Tigon = Male Tiger + Female Lion
Zorse = Male Zebra + Female Horse
Wholphin = Dolphin + False Killer Whale
Wolfdog = Wolf + dog
House Cat + African Cat African Cat
Tangelo = Tangerine + Grape Fruit
Some human traits are controlled by a single gene that has more than two alleles Blood type is controlled by three Alleles What are the major human blood types? A, B, AB & O Which human blood type is a universal donor? Blood Type: O
Many human traits are controlled by many genes Four genes control height in humans Skin, eye and hair color are controlled by multiple genes
What are the Female Sex Chromosomes? XX
What are the Male Sex Chromosomes? XY Because there is some missing genetic information in the “Y” chromosomes, Males are more likely to get a sex-linked trait
Who determines whether the child is a boy or a girl ? Father
How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have? 23