Making use of professional standards in EALD Jenny Barnett Convenor of the Working Group that developed the EALD Elaborations of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
Four pillars of learning learning to know learning to do learning to be learning to live together From the 1996 UNESCO Delors report learning to know learning to do (using knowledge) learning to be, responsibility for achieving common goals learning to live together, within diversity Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure within. Geneva: UNESCO.
Critical questions on structuring professional standards Do certain kinds of professional values need to be made explicit? Do teacher standards need to respond to issues of globalisation? Might generic standards obscure essential features of learner cohorts and disciplines?
Critical questions on generic standards Is there reference to the EALD learning task and the responsibility of all teachers to address that? Is there identification of EALD cohorts? Is it clear that teachers should interpret ‘all students’ to include EALD learners? Is there reference to valuing multilingualism and cultural diversity? Is there explicit guidance on developing culturally and linguistically responsive teaching strategies? Santoro and Kennedy (2016) make similar points in their article: ‘How is cultural diversity positioned in teacher professional standards? An international analysis’, Asia -Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 44:3, 208-223
EAL/D Elaborations of the APST Standards Know, have empathy for and be responsive to the diverse linguistic, cultural and sociohistorical characteristics of EAL/D learners. Understand the nature of EAL/D learning and its relationship to culture, wellbeing and access to the Australian curriculum. Understand the features of Standard Australian English, the language-and-culture demands of curriculum and community, and how to teach these as EAL/D content whether as an integrated part of mainstream teaching or as the focus of EAL/D classes. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning for EAL/D learners, taking account of language-and-culture demands in curriculum and also of data on students’ EAL/D learning progression. Create and maintain learning environments that are both culturally and linguistically inclusive of EAL/D learners and supportive of their learning needs. Assess, provide feedback and report on student outcomes for learning EAL/D and for learning subject area content through EAL/D. Use linguistically and culturally accessible assessment practices and a sound understanding of EAL/D learning progressions and of the language-and-culture demands of set tasks. Use the full version of the EAL/D Elaborations of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to plan and implement professional learning for working effectively with EAL/D learners and their families. Use intercultural understandings and skills to develop respectful and reciprocal relationships that acknowledge cultural and linguistic diversity. The handout provides a much clearer version of this slide along with the actual APST standards (i.e. page 2 of the 2page overview on the website).