(Put Your Title here) Your name 6th Grade Mrs. Barbara Rice Prince Edward County Middle School (Tape this slide to back of board)
Step #1: QUESTION (Type your question here.) Your question should be clearly asked and correctly punctuated with a question mark. Your question should identify the independent and dependent variables. Example: Is the temperature at which a saltwater solution boils higher than the temperature at which pure water boils? Independent variable (what changes): type of liquid Dependent Variable (what is being measured): temperature
Step 2: RESEARCH Record the information from your research here. Cite your sources: which website location, name of book with author, etc. Remember…this information is what makes your hypothesis a SMART or EDUCATED guess!
Step #3: HYPOTHESIS Your hypothesis should be an “If…, then…” statement that answers the Question in Step #1. Your hypothesis should clearly identify the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Your hypothesis is an EDUCATED guess as to HOW the experiment will turn out. Do NOT say “I think…”!
Variables Independent variable: Dependent variable: Independent variable: The one variable that you change. Dependent variable: This is what you are measuring; it is what happens when you change your independent variable.
Materials Materials should be listed and identified in detail with: Specific amounts (using metric measures) Type Brand Include ALL tools used to measure your results, such as timer, graduated cylinder, etc.
Step #4: EXPERIMENT All steps should be listed in correct order. Measured items should be specific units, such as 32 mL or 45 cm. Variables should be easily identified. Steps should be easily understood and repeated. Multiple trials means more accurate data.
Step #5: ORGANIZE & ANALYZE DATA To organize data in tables, use Word or Power Point. To create graph, use Word or Power Point
Step #5: ORGANIZE & ANALYZE DATA To organize data in tables, use Word or Power Point. To create graph, use Word or Power Point.
Step #6: CONCLUSION Type a brief summary here of what you discovered based on the results of your experiments. You need to indicate whether or not the data supports the hypothesis and explain why or why not. Conclusion should: Clearly state what was learned as a result of your investigation Whether results support or do not support your hypothesis Identifies ways to improve the investigation next time Includes possible ways to test differently next time.
Abstract (Type a brief overview or summary of your project here.) Print out 1 extra copy to out to judges. Abstract is a summary of your project. Your project should be practical which means it has value and will help you in the future. Abstract is clearly stated and grammatically correct.
Project Title Data Analysis Graph Step 1: Question Step 4: Steps in Procedure Materials List Step 2: Research Step 6: Conclusion Project Photographs Step 5: Data Analysis Step 3: Hypothesis Data CollectionTable Abstract T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Independent & Dependent Variables